
Every stat tells a story.


Media background information on key Census topics.

2021 Census topics

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities


Australian Defence Force service



Non-binary sex



Removal of internet question

Using Census data

Census and the Survey of Education and Work

Comparing the Labour Force Survey and Census

Housing affordability indicators

2021 Census data release

Census participation

Response rates

Refusals and prosecutions

Scale of the Census

Scale and scope

Recruitment challenges in the 2021 Census

History of the Census


Census collection during COVID-19

COVID-19 and the 2021 Census data

COVID-19 and data on journey to work

Instructions for completing the Census in COVID-19 areas

Digital security

2021 Census

2016 Census

Counting the population

Determining occupancy

Seasonal populations

Same-sex couples

Census Post Enumeration Survey

Estimated Resident Population

Use of administrative data

Census Statistical Independent Assurance Panel

Membership and role of the Statistical Independent Assurance Panel

2026 Census

Planning the next Census

2026 Census topics

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