Overview of the 2026 Census topic review

Information about the 2026 Census topic review process.

The Government has announced that a new topic of ‘sexual orientation and gender’ will be included in the 2026 Census, for people aged 16 years and older.   

The Government decision was informed by a recommendation from the ABS, underpinned by extensive consultation, testing and engagement. 

The ABS has published the following additional information on the 2026 Census topic review process:   

Additionally, an update on the topic review process is available here

Further updates will be provided on this page and sent to subscribers.   

You can subscribe to receive updates about the 2026 Census topic review process at www.subscribe.abs.gov.au/2026Census.   


The Census of Population and Housing provides a snapshot of Australia. It shows how our nation changes over time, helps estimate our population and informs critical decisions that guide our future. The 2021 Census collected data on a range of topics. The next Census will take place in 2026.

A successful Census relies on strong community support. This support is achieved through collecting data of national importance while also ensuring the Census is easy to complete and not seen as being too intrusive.

The Australian Government determines what information is collected in the Census. Every Census, the ABS undertakes a review to inform our recommendation to the Government on the topics that could be included in the Census.

The review is undertaken to ensure information collected in the Census remains relevant as Australia changes and maintains strong support for the Census. 

The review of topics includes extensive public consultation, stakeholder engagement and testing. 

2026 Census topic review timeline

Census 2026 review timeline

This diagram shows the timeline of the 2026 Census topic review. Phase one of public consultation was open from 28 February 2023 to 28 April 2023. The ABS asked about information needs not currently met by the ABS. Phase two consultation was open from 27 July 2023 to 8 September 2023. During this phase, the ABS prioritised information needs and asked for feedback on proposed changes to Census topics. 

In late 2023, consultation outcomes were published and shared on the ABS website, including the Census topics progressing to testing. The ABS also began testing proposed new Census topics and questions through focus groups, and cognitive interviews.  

In the middle of 2024, the ABS will recommend 2026 Census topics to the Australian Government for decision. Following Government decision, changes to topics will be tabled in Parliament. The ABS will continue testing activities to decide on the final question design.  

The ABS will provide an update on the status of content changes being considered in mid-2025 and the final questions for the 2026 Census will be published on the ABS website in late 2025. 

The ABS undertook a two-phase public consultation process to inform our recommendation on topics for the 2026 Census:

  • Phase one: 28 February to 28 April 2023 - understanding what information the public would like the ABS to collect on the Census. 
  • Phase two: 27 July to 8 September 2023 - consultation on topics being considered for inclusion, change or removal from the 2026 Census. This considered public input from phase one. 

On 12 December 2023, the ABS published outcomes from the second phase of consultation, including the topics that progressed to the next stage of the review process. Potential topic changes are tested using focus groups, short web surveys and cognitive interviews. 

The ABS reviewed testing outcomes and developed a final list of topics to recommend to the Australian Government in mid-2024.

Following Government decision on the topics for the 2026 Census:

  • An amendment to the Census and Statistics Regulation 2016 will be tabled in both houses of the Australian Parliament for their consideration. 
  • The ABS will consider the feedback received during consultation as well as the outcomes from testing to finalise the question design for the topics included in the Census.

The ABS will provide an update on the status of content changes being considered in mid-2025 and the final questions for the 2026 Census will be published on the ABS website in late 2025. 

The Census is just one way that the ABS can meet the data needs of the Australian community. The ABS also considers if other ABS surveys or administrative data could be used to meet data needs.

Consultation outcomes

Phase one

Phase two

Development and Testing

The testing of content is an important step in the 2026 Census topic review process. It helps the ABS determine whether high quality data on a topic can be collected in the Census.

The ABS commenced testing potential content changes for the 2026 Census in late 2023. 

Testing is designed to inform: 

  • The ABS recommendation to the Australian Government on topics for inclusion in the 2026 Census.
  • The ABS decisions on the questions that will be on the 2026 Census form. 
  • Communication, engagement and support materials to assist the public in completing the 2026 Census.

Testing has been undertaken with a range of population groups, across different geographical areas. The testing program has included focus groups, short web surveys and interviews to develop and test questions for the 2026 Census. The ABS has also investigated motivators and barriers to Census completion, including the level of understanding and support for selected potential content changes.

The ABS has engaged extensively with the community throughout development and testing to help inform testing approaches.

The ABS will continue testing in 2024 and 2025 to finalise question wording, support materials, systems and processes to support a smooth-running Census that collects high quality data. 

Further information is available in 2026 Census topic review: Update on process (September 2024).

Assessment criteria for topics in the Census

The ABS considers requests for new or changed topics for the Census against a set of criteria. 2021 Census topics are also reviewed against the same criteria. This process identifies if the topic should be recommended to the Australian Government for inclusion in the 2026 Census. These criteria have been informed by the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses.

The first step in this process is to assess the public value of collecting data on the topic. To do this we collate the evidence provided in the submissions by topic and then consider whether: 

  1. The topic is of current national importance.
  2. There is a need for data at the national level, and either the local level or for small population groups.
  3. There is likely to be a continuing need for data on the topic following the Census.  

The ABS further assesses topics that rate strongly against the public value criteria. This assessment helps to determine if the Census is the most appropriate way to provide data on the topic. The criteria are:

  1. There are no other suitable alternative data sources or solutions that could meet the topic need.
  2. Data on the topic can be collected efficiently.
  3. A representative of the household would be willing and able to answer questions on the topic for each member of the household.

In addition to assessing the topics individually, the ABS considers if the combination of topics will maintain a high level of public support for the Census. This includes the overall size and complexity of the Census form, and if collecting data on a topic will impact how the public answers questions on other topics.

See the detailed assessment criteria for our considerations for each criterion. 

Subscribe for updates

You can subscribe to receive updates about the 2026 Census topic review at www.subscribe.abs.gov.au/2026Census.


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