Information in the following analysis is based on data from the 2018 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) and:
- is limited to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in households and does not include people living in cared accommodation
- does not include people living in very remote areas or discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Therefore, the estimate of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in scope of this analysis differs to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander total population count (798,400 people) from the most recent (2016) Census. These limitations around how the data can be used should be taken into consideration when interpreting the analysis.
Please see the Interpretation of results for more information on the scope of the SDAC and the limitations of using SDAC data for analysis of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population.
In the context of the SDAC, a person is living with disability if they report they have a limitation, restriction, or impairment, which has lasted, or is likely to last, for at least six months and restricts everyday activities. See the Glossary for more information.