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| 2011 (Edition 2) | |
| | Abbreviations | 1 | Abbreviations | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Catalogue | 1 | Catalogue | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Glossary | 1 | Glossary | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 1 | In this Issue | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 2 | Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia (LSIA) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 3 | Disability Services National Minimum Data Set (DS NMDS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 4 | How to Use Guide to Migrant Statistical Sources | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 5 | National Diabetes Register (NDR) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 6 | Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services National Minimum Data Set (AODTS–NMDS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 7 | Continuous Survey of Australia’s Migrants (CSAM) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 8 | South Australian Health Omnibus Survey (HOS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 9 | South Australian Social and Environmental Risk Context Information System (SERCIS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 10 | South Australian Monitoring and Surveillance System (SAMSS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 11 | South Australian Health Monitor (SAHM) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 12 | Victorian Government Schools’ Newly Arrived English as a Second Language (ESL) Students Data Collection | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 13 | Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey (HILDA) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 14 | Victorian Population Health Survey (VPHS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 15 | Living Diversity: Australia’s Multicultural Future | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 16 | National Apprentice and Trainee Collection | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 17 | Student Outcomes Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 18 | Vocational Education and Training Provider Collection | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 19 | The Challenging Racism Project | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 20 | Non-Government Schools in South Australia (NGSS) - Census and Needs Information | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 21 | Survey of Income and Housing (SIH) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 22 | Household Expenditure Survey (HES) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 23 | Characteristics of Recent Migrants | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 24 | The National Health Survey (NHS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 25 | The Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALLS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 26 | Time Use Survey (TUS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 27 | Job Search Experience | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 28 | Population Survey Monitor (PSM) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 29 | Marriages | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 30 | Underemployed Workers Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 31 | Labour Force Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 32 | The Career Experience Survey (CES) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 33 | The National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being (SMHWB) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 34 | Survey of Disability, Ageing, and Carers (SDAC) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 35 | The National Nutrition Survey (NNS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 36 | General Social Survey (GSS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 37 | Crime Victimisation Survey (CVS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 38 | Divorces | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 39 | Labour Force Experience Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 40 | Family Characteristics Survey (FCS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 41 | The Childhood Education and Care Survey (CEaCS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 42 | The Pregnancy and Employment Transitions Survey (PaETS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 43 | Barriers and Incentives to Labour Force Participation | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 44 | Managing Caring Responsibilities and Paid Employment, New South Wales | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 45 | Family Transitions and History Survey (FTHS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 46 | Prisoners in Australia | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 47 | National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 48 | Settlement Database | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 49 | Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 50 | Housing SA Applicants | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 51 | Housing SA Waiting List | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 52 | Housing SA Tenants | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 53 | Housing SA Private Rental Assistance | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 54 | Housing SA Allocations | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 55 | Ethnic Schools Board Grant Application Database (South Australia) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 56 | Connecting Diversity: Paradoxes of Multicultural Australia | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 57 | Survey of Education and Training (SET) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 58 | Survey of Education and Work (SEW) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 59 | Causes of Death | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 60 | Attendance at Selected Cultural and Sporting Events and Venues | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 61 | Cultural Participation Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 62 | Children's Participation in Culture and Leisure Activities | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 63 | Retrenchment and Redundancy | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 64 | Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 65 | Retirement and Retirement Intentions | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 66 | Persons Not in the Labour Force | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 67 | Labour Force Status and Other Characteristics of Families | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 68 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 69 | Births | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 70 | Deaths | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 71 | Estimated Resident Population (ERP) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 72 | Census of Population and Housing | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 74 | Home and Community Care Program Minimum Data Set (HACC MDS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 75 | System for the Payment of Aged Residential Care (SPARC) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 76 | Management of Expenditure and Resident Link Information Network (MERLIN) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 77 | Australian Government Housing Data Set | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 78 | NSW Central Cancer Registry | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 79 | Involvement in Organised Sport and Physical Activity | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 80 | Refugee Review Tribunal Statistics | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 81 | Migration Review Tribunal Statistics | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 82 | NSW Admitted Patient Data Collection | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 83 | Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 84 | Voluntary Work Survey (VWS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 85 | Locations of Work | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 86 | Forms of Employment Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 87 | Work-Related Injuries | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 88 | Working Time Arrangements | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 89 | Survey of Employment Arrangements, Retirement and Superannuation
| 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 90 | Labour Mobility Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 91 | Multiple Jobholding Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 92 | Higher Education Statistics Collection | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 93 | NSW Perinatal Data Collection | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 94 | Transnationalism and Citizenship Project | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 95 | Sources by Title | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 96 | Sources by Topic | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 97 | Crime and Justice | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 99 | Education and Training | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 100 | Family and Community | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 101 | Health | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 102 | Housing | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 103 | Labour | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 104 | Personal and Household Finances | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 105 | Population Characteristics | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 106 | The Australian Cancer Database (ACD) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 150 | National Mortality Database | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 151 | Australian National Infant Feeding Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 152 | Supported Accommodation Assistance Program National Data Collection | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 153 | Housing NSW Housing Pathways Register | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 200 | The Patient Experience Survey (PEx) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 201 | Personal Safety Survey (PSS) | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 202 | Participation in Sport and Physical Recreation | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 203 | Child Employment Survey | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 204 | Net Overseas Migration Travellers Characteristics Database | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 298 | Culture and Leisure | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
| | Main Features | 9999 | About this Release | 03/29/2011 | Latest |  |
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