Engagement in employment, education and training (EETP)

Latest release
Census of Population and Housing: Census dictionary
Reference period


This variable indicates whether a person is engaged or not engaged in work and/or study. Data can be used to better understand groups of interest, such as youth, or people approaching retirement age, by analysing by age cohorts.


Persons aged 15 years and over


1Fully engaged
11Fully engaged - Engaged through full-time study and full-time employment
12Fully engaged - Primarily engaged through full-time study
13Fully engaged - Primarily engaged through full-time employment
14Fully engaged - Engaged through part-time study and part-time employment
15Fully engaged - Engaged other
2Partially engaged
21Partially engaged - Engaged in part-time study only
22Partially engaged - Engaged in part-time work only
3At least partially engaged
31At least partially engaged
4Not engaged
41Not engaged
&Engagement status undetermined/not stated
&&Engagement status undetermined/not stated
@Not applicable
@@Not applicable
VOverseas visitor
VVOverseas visitor

Number of categories:

  • One digit: 7
  • Two digit: 12

Not applicable (@@) comprises:

  • Persons aged under 15 years

See Understanding supplementary codes for more information.

Question(s) from the Census form

What is the person’s date of birth and age?

Is the person attending a school or other education institution?

Last week, did the person have a job of any kind?

In the main job held last week, was the person: Working for an employer; Working in own business

Last week, how many hours did the person work in all jobs?

Did the person actively look for work at any time in the last four weeks?

If the person had found a job, could the person have started work last week?

How this variable is created

Data is derived from the following variables:

  • Labour force status and hours worked not stated (LFHRP)
  • Full-time/part-time student status (STUP)
  • Age (AGEP)

The variables are cross tabulated to identify the type of engagement in work and/or study. Further information is shown in the matrix in the Data downloads section below. 

History and changes

This variable was first reported in 2016.

In 2021, the categories have been expanded to provide a more detailed breakdown for 'fully engaged' and 'partially engaged'. This is required for several national reporting measures and allows for more complex analysis.

Data use considerations

For the 2006 and 2011 Censuses, data for this variable can be derived based on existing data items.

People are included in the variable categories according to the criteria below:

Engagement in Employment, Education and Training categoriesPeople included in this category

Fully engaged

People engaged in full-time work or study

People engaged in both work and study (regardless of hours for each)

Partially engaged

People employed or studying part-time (and not engaged in both work and study)


  • Employed part-time and not attending an educational institution
  • Studying part-time and either unemployed or not in the labour force

At least partially engaged

People engaged in study or in the labour force, but did not provide enough information to determine if they were fully or partially engaged.


  • Person who was studying part-time but who did not state their labour force status

Not engaged

People who are unemployed or not in the labour force (and not attending an educational institution)

Engagement status undetermined/Not stated

People who did not state their student status and who were either unemployed or not in the labour force.

This category also includes persons who were non-responding (not stated) for both their student status and their labour force status

This variable does not have a non-response rate as it is created during Census processing by using responses from more than one question on the Census form. 

Related variables and glossary terms


National reporting indicators 2021

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