Personal Safety Survey 2005 (Expanded)

A CURF contains unidentifiable unit records from key ABS Surveys.

This listing provides a general description of the contents of an individual CURF to enable the selection of appropriate data for research projects.

This CURF provides expanded confidentialised unit record data from the 2005 Personal Safety Survey (PSS). The Survey was conducted from August - December 2005. Summary results for the 2005 PSS were published on 10 August 2006.

The 2005 PSS CURF contains data on 16,413 persons in private dwellings from all States and Territories, but excluding remote areas. The survey collected information about men's and women's experience of physical or sexual assault or threat by male and female perpetrators, by the different types of violence, since the age of 15, by different types of male and female perpetrators (including current partner, previous partner, boyfriend/girlfriend or date, other known man or woman, and stranger). More detailed information, such as where the incident occurred and what action was taken, was then collected for most recent incident of each of the different types of violence by a male and female perpetrator. Additional information was also collected about respondents experience of current and previous partner violence such as frequency and fears of violence, incidents of stalking and other forms of harassment and general feelings of safety.

For more information please refer to
Personal Safety Survey (2005) (cat. no. 4906.0) and Personal Safety Survey, Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File, Technical Manual (cat. no. 4906.0.55.002). The CURF Data Item List is available as an Excel spreadsheet in the Details tab on the web page for this CURF.

An Expanded CURF is available from the 1996 Women's Safety Survey. Both files are similar in content to enable the analysis of the relative changes in women's personal safety over time.

The data are available through an Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) released with the approval of the Australian Statistician. The CURF will be available via the Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL) only. The RADL is an on-line database query system, to which users submit programs to interrogate and analyse data, and access the results, while still maintaining the confidentiality of ABS data providers.