Weekly and hourly earnings guide

Guide to labour statistics

Learn about our weekly and hourly earnings measures and how to use them



Earnings measures can be derived for many time periods. Weekly and hourly measures are common across our various earnings sources. Measures with shorter time periods provide a common period for comparison of earnings levels, whereas measures with longer time periods are more affected by compositional or structural factors.

The Earnings guide includes information about other earnings measures. 

Hourly earnings

  • Provide a common period for comparing earnings, removing the effect of differences in total hours worked.
  • For example, we can compare how much full-time and part-time workers receive for the same amount of time worked (that is, for each hour they worked).
  • Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia (EEH) is the best source for hourly earnings data.
  • EEH includes data for non-managerial employees by sex, occupation, industry, state/territory, public/private sector, and employer size.
  • Employee earnings includes hourly earnings data by education qualification, main and secondary jobs, and working arrangements every year.

Weekly earnings

  • Influenced by changes in the overall composition of the workforce over time.
  • Affected by changes in hours worked and work patterns, as well as changes in the level of earnings of employees.
  • Average Weekly Earnings, Australia includes weekly earnings estimates by industry, state/territory, and public/private sector every six months
  • Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia provides estimates by age, sex, occupation and employer size every two years.
  • Employee earnings includes estimates by education qualification, main and secondary jobs, and working arrangements every year.
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