ABS geography products

Australian Statistical Geography Standard Edition 3 (2021) - Latest release

ASGS digital boundaries, allocations and correspondences are available in the Access and downloads section of the ASGS publication.

Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2016

Australian Population Grid

An Australian Population Grid modelled from preliminary Estimated Residential Population (ERP) is published as part of the Regional Population Growth publication.

Land Accounts

Land Account publications present data on land use and land cover in both physical and monetary terms. The following are links to the most recent ABS Land Account publications.

National Land Account, Experimental Estimates
Land Account: Queensland, Experimental Estimates 2011 - 2016
Land Account: Great Barrier Reef Region, Experimental Estimates, 2014
Land Account: South Australia, Experimental Estimates, 2006 - 2011

Australian Geospatial Web Services User Guide

Web service user information is now included in the ASGS Edition 3 publication.

ABS Geospatial Web Services User Guide (Archived issue)

Destination Zones 2016

Previous Issues are located under the 'Previous releases' menu of the publication.

Census of Population and Housing Destination Zones

Glossary (Archived issue)

Previous Issues are located under the 'Past and Future Releases' tab of the publication.

Glossary of Statistical Geography Terminology

Australian Standard Geographical Classification (Final Issues)

The Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) was used from 1984 to 2011 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics.

The 2011 edition of the ASGC was the last. From 2011 onwards the ABS adopted a new statistical geography classification called the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS).

Since 1984, the ASGC was updated and released annually. This was necessary to ensure that Statistical Local Areas (SLA) were updated to reflect changes in gazetted Local Government Areas (LGA) as proclaimed by State and Territory government authorities. The ASGC provided seven hierarchies of geographical areas. Each structure was designed to suit different statistical purposes. The various ASGC structures are depicted in the ASGC structural chart.

Previous Issues are located under the 'Past and Future Releases' tab of the publication.

Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), July 2011
Electronic Structures, July 2011
Correspondences, July 2011
Remoteness Area Correspondences, 2006
Digital Boundaries, Australia, July 2011
Digital Boundaries, Australia, 2006
Urban Centres and Localities (UC/L) Digital Boundaries, Australia, 2006
Remoteness Structure (RA) Digital Boundaries, Australia, 2006
Census Geographic Areas, Australia, 2006
ABS Postal Area Concordances, Aug 2006
Urban Centres / Localities, 2006
2001 to 2006 Census Collection District Comparability Listing, Aug 2006