Collection methods

Latest release
Family, Household and Income Unit Variables
Reference period

Standard question module

The data used to form the input to the 'Household composition' classification are derived from those collected to derive the 'Relationship in household' and 'Family composition' variables. The recommended methodology and questionnaire modules are explained in the 'Relationship in household' standard.

Standard input categories

The derivation of the input categories can be summarised as follows:

The relationship of all household members to one another is established. Then all families and other unrelated household members (if any) within the household are identified. 'Household composition' is then allocated on the basis of the number of families and whether unrelated household members are present (if it is a family household) or the number of household members if it is a non-family household.

The original answers to the questionnaire module must therefore be processed to produce the following input to the 'Household composition' classification: 

  • the presence or absence of families in a household
  • the number of families present in a family household, and
  • whether unrelated persons are present in a family household, or
  • whether there is more than one person present in a non-family household.

This information can be taken directly from that already processed to obtain 'Relationship In household' and 'Family composition'.

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