Overseas Migration

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Statistics on Australia's international migration, by state and territory, country of birth, visa, age and sex.

Reference period
2022-23 financial year

Key statistics

  • Overseas migration 2022-23 – net annual gain of 518,000 people
  • Migrant arrivals increased 73% to 737,000 from 427,000 arrivals a year ago
  • Largest group of migrant arrivals was temporary visa holders with 554,000 people
  • Migrant departures decreased 2% to 219,000 from 223,000 departures a year ago.

The data presented in this release are annual, for years ending 30 June unless otherwise noted. For the latest quarterly migration estimates, see the ABS publication National, state and territory population. For Australia's regional overseas migration estimates, see the ABS publication Regional population.

Most data in this release are rounded to the nearest 10. As a result, sums of components may not add to totals.

COVID-19 travel restrictions

Net overseas migration

Net overseas migration is the net gain or loss of population through international migration to and from Australia. 

In the year ending 30 June 2023, overseas migration contributed a net gain of 518,000 people to Australia's population. This was the largest net overseas migration estimate since records began.

Historically, more people migrate to Australia than migrate away each year, meaning overseas migration has been a significant source of population gain for Australia rather than loss. Although overseas migration was a record high in 2022-23, the cycle of migration has not returned to the pattern seen prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many potential migrants didn't come to Australia in 2020 and 2021 because of border closures and other pandemic impacts. During this time temporary visa holders recorded the largest declines in arrivals. In 2022-23 the number of migrants arriving on temporary visas has gone up but the number departing has reduced slightly.

a. Estimates from September quarter 2022 onwards are preliminary. See revision status on the methodology page.
b. Net overseas migration is calculated by the number of migrant arrivals minus the number of migrant departures.

Migrant arrivals

In 2022-23, the number of migrant arrivals increased to 737,000, up from 427,000 the year before. This equates to an annual increase of 73 per cent. In 2020-21, there was an annual decrease of 71 per cent, due to the travel restrictions during the pandemic. With the travel restrictions now lifted, the number of migrant arrivals has surpassed annual numbers recorded pre-pandemic.

In the five years prior to the pandemic, the average number of migrant arrivals was 515,000 per year with the majority arriving on temporary visas (307,000). For those who arrived with a permanent visa, the average was 92,000. For Australian and New Zealand citizens arriving it was 77,000 and 32,000 respectively.

In 2022-23, those on temporary visas (554,000) recorded higher volumes than pre-pandemic levels. Permanent visa holder arrivals (80,000) and Australian citizen arrivals (59,000) however, recorded lower levels. New Zealand citizens (41,000) recorded higher volumes than the pre-pandemic five-year average. 

Temporary visa holders were the largest contributors to arrivals in 2022-23. Of the temporary visa holders, the largest group was international students (283,000). Other temporary visa holders include working holiday makers (70,000) and temporary skilled (49,000). 

  1. Estimates for 2022-23 are preliminary. See revision status on the methodology page.
  2. The visa at time of traveller's overseas migration arrival date. The number of visas here should not be confused with information on visas granted by the Department of Home Affairs as visas can be granted onshore.
  3. Visa subclass 444 is granted to New Zealand citizens upon arrival in Australia if they have not already been granted another visa.

Migrant departures

In 2022-23, the number of migrant departures decreased to 219,000, down from 223,000 the year before. This is a decrease of 2 per cent on the previous year. It was also the lowest since 2006-07. Although travel restrictions have been lifted, the number of migrant departures has remained lower than the pre-pandemic level.

In the five years prior to the pandemic, the average number of migrant departures was 288,000 per year with the largest group of departures being those on temporary visas (140,000). For Australian citizens departing, the average was 93,000, followed by New Zealand citizens (25,000) and permanent visa holders (21,000).

In 2022-23, the number of temporary visa holders departing was 76,000 which was much lower than the pre-pandemic level. The numbers of Australian citizen departures (94,000) and permanent visa departures (22,000) were both similar to the pre-pandemic five-year average. However, migrant departures for New Zealand citizens (17,000) were lower than the five-year pre-pandemic average. 

Due to the impact of COVID-19 travel restrictions, there were very low numbers of temporary migrants arriving in Australia during the pandemic. For those who have arrived since the restrictions were lifted, many have not yet been here long enough to conclude their stay and return home.

Prior to the pandemic there was a constant flow of temporary migrants arriving and departing. This cycle is not yet back to a regular pattern and low departures have had an upward impact on net overseas migration in 2022-23.

Many of those now arriving on temporary visas however, such as international students, will start to leave as their studies finish over the coming years, which will have a downward impact on net overseas migration in the future.  

  1. Estimates for 2022-23 are preliminary. See revision status on the methodology page.
  2. The visa at time of traveller's overseas migration departure date. The number of visas here should not be confused with information on visas granted by the Department of Home Affairs as visas can be granted onshore.
  3. Visa subclass 444 is granted to New Zealand citizens upon arrival in Australia if they have not already been granted another visa.

Country of birth

Net overseas migration



World regions




Age and sex



State and territory

Net overseas migration

Country of birth



Post-release changes

Changes to Data Explorer links

The calendar and financial year Overseas Migration datasets which contained state/territory of residence by visa and citizenship data in the Data Explorer have been replaced by a new dataset. The new dataset will have the equivalent data but with quarterly rather than the previous annual data and is called “Overseas migrant arrivals and departures by visa group by state, quarterly and financial years, from September quarter 2006 onwards". 

The publication has been updated to remove the links to the old annual datasets and replace them with the link to the new quarterly dataset.

Related ABS publications

National, state and territory population
- includes quarterly data on net overseas migration and net interstate migration estimates.

Regional population
- includes annual data on regional overseas migration and regional internal migration estimates.

Overseas arrivals and departures, Australia
- monthly statistics on all international travel arriving in and departing from Australia.

Australia's population by country of birth
- statistics on Australia's estimated resident population by country of birth.

Permanent migrants in Australia — 2021
- statistics about permanent migrants who arrived in Australia between 1 January 2000 and 10 August 2021.

Temporary visa holders in Australia — 2021
- statistics about selected types of temporary visa holders who were present in Australia on Census Night, 10 August 2021.

Migrant settlement outcomes — 2023
- statistics on selected economic and social outcomes of permanent migrants.

Personal income in Australia — migrant content
- Regional data on the number of income earners, amounts received, and the distribution of income for the 2015-16 to 2019-20 financial years.

Jobs in Australia — migrant content
- Information about the number and nature of filled jobs, the people who hold them and their employers.

Personal income of migrants, Australia — 2016-17
- statistics on personal income of migrants including employee income, own unincorporated business income, investment income and other income.

Migrant data matrices
- provides users with links to available summary data on migrants from a wide range of ABS surveys and outputs.


For further information about these publications and related statistics visit www.abs.gov.au/about/contact-us

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Data Explorer datasets

Caution: Data in the Data Explorer is currently released after the 11:30am release on the ABS website. Please check for the current reference period when using Data Explorer.

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Notes for Data Explorer datasets

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