This is the second Household Impacts of COVID-19 survey in the current series.
The survey has previously been conducted through the pandemic period. The results for all past surveys can be accessed by selecting ‘View all releases.’
This series provides information on COVID-19 and cold/flu symptoms, COVID-19 testing, and the impacts of COVID-19 and cold/flu on employment, school, or childcare attendance.
The latest survey was collected as a topic on the Multipurpose Household Survey (MPHS) via telephone interviews with over 2,100 fully responding participants between the 8th and 28th August.
Where results are compared over time, comparisons are made based on the weighted representative data for each survey.
Proportions marked with an asterisk (*) have a Margin of Error (MoE) greater than 10 percentage points which should be considered when using this information.
For more information about the survey design including weighting and MoEs refer to the Methodology.