There were 40,907 (average daily number) prisoners:
- up from 40,627 in the June quarter 2022
- down from 42,506 in the September quarter 2021
Of the 40,907 prisoners, there were:
- 12,467 in New South Wales, stable for the quarter
- 9,493 in Queensland, up 2%
- 6,632 in Victoria, stable
- 6,252 in Western Australia, stable
- 3,100 in South Australia, up 1%
- 1,947 in the Northern Territory, up 1%
- 627 in Tasmania, down 2%
- 390 in the Australia Capital Territory, up 2%
Average number of persons in custody(a), Sep 2017 to Sep 2022
(a) Based on average daily number
Imprisonment rates
The imprisonment rate was 202 persons per 100,000 adult population:
- stable from 202 persons in the June quarter 2022
- down from 212 persons in the September quarter 2021
The imprisonment rate per 100,000 adult population was:
- 1,037 persons for the Northern Territory, up 1% for the quarter
- 293 for Western Australia, stable
- 232 for Queensland, up 2%
- 216 for South Australia, up 1%
- 196 for New South Wales, down 1%
- 138 for Tasmania, down 2%
- 128 for Victoria, down 1%
- 110 for the Australian Capital Territory, up 2%
Average daily imprisonment rate(a), By states and territories, Sep 2021, Jun 2022 and Sep 2022
(a) Rate is the number of prisoners per 100,000 adult population. Based on average daily number.
Of all prisoners:
- 93% (37,896) were male
- 7% (3,011) were female
Of all male prisoners:
- 31% (11,669) were in New South Wales
- 23% (8,623) were in Queensland
- 17% (6,274) were in Victoria
Of all female prisoners:
- 29% (870) were in Queensland
- 27% (798) were in New South Wales
- 19% (564) were in Western Australia
The imprisonment rate for male prisoners was 382 persons per 100,000 adult male population, up from 381 persons last quarter.
The imprisonment rate for female prisoners was 29 persons per 100,000 adult female population, stable since last quarter.
Type of custody
Of all prisoners:
- 84% (34,304) were in secure custody
- 16% (6,603) were in open custody
Legal status
37% (15,240) of the 40,847 prisoners (first day of the month) were unsentenced:
- up from 15,114 in the June quarter 2022
- down from 15,248 in the September quarter 2021
Of all unsentenced prisoners:
- 31% (4,796) were in New South Wales
- 21% (3,183) were in Queensland
- 19% (2,849) were in Victoria
62% (25,510) of the 40,847 prisoners (first day of the month) were sentenced:
- up from 25,436 in the June quarter 2022
- down from 27,603 in the September quarter 2021
Of all sentenced prisoners:
- 30% (7,662) were in New South Wales
- 24% (6,228) were in Queensland
- 17% (4,329) were in Western Australia
Average number of unsentenced prisoners(a), Sep 2017 to Sep 2022
(a) Based on average number on the first day of the month
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners
There were 13,039 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners:
- up from 12,820 in the June quarter 2022
- up from 12,996 in the September quarter 2021
Of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners:
- 28% (3,599) were in New South Wales, 26% (3,433) were in Queensland, and 20% (2,559) were in Western Australia
- 91% (11,871) were male
- 61% (7,884) were sentenced
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rates
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate was 2,354 persons per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population:
- up from 2,315 in the June quarter 2022
- down from 2,394 in the September quarter 2021
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population was:
- 3,623 for Western Australia, up 2% for the quarter
- 3,174 for the Northern Territory, up 2%
- 2,623 for South Australia, stable
- 2,251 for Queensland, up 1%
- 1,987 for New South Wales, up 2%
- 1,796 for Victoria, up 9%
- 1,763 for the Australia Capital Territory, up 1%
- 705 for Tasmania, down 8%
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate for male prisoners was 4,349 persons per 100,000 adult male Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, up from 4,261 persons last quarter.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate for female prisoners was 416 persons per 100,000 adult female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, down from 423 persons last quarter.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate(a), By states and territories, Sep 2021, Jun 2022 and Sep 2022
(a) Rate is the number of prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Based on average daily number.