There have been government restrictions in place across the states and territories due to COVID-19 since March 2020. The restrictions may have had an impact on criminal activity and the justice system.
Corrective Services, Australia
National and state information about adult prisoners and community based corrections, including legal status, custody type, Indigenous status, sex.
Key statistics
- 43,073 prisoners were in custody, up 3% (1,289) from the June quarter 2020.
- 15,219 prisoners in custody were unsentenced, up 5% (660) from last quarter and 10% (1,384) from the June quarter 2020.
- 78,785 persons were serving community-based corrections (CBC) orders, up 2% (1,256) from last quarter and down 2% (1,626) from the June quarter 2020.
Persons in custody
There were 43,073 (average daily number) prisoners, up from:
- 42,633 in the March quarter 2021; and
- 41,784 in the June quarter 2020.
Of the 43,073 prisoners, there were:
- 13,191 in New South Wales, up 1% for the quarter;
- 9,954 in Queensland, up 2%;
- 7,262 in Victoria, up 1%;
- 6,726 in Western Australia, up 1%;
- 3,119 in South Australia, up 1%;
- 1,802 in the Northern Territory, down 1%;
- 644 in Tasmania, up 4%; and
- 375 in the Australia Capital Territory, down 7%.
Average number of persons in custody(a), Jun 2016 to Jun 2021
(a) Based on average daily number
Imprisonment rates
The imprisonment rate was 215 persons per 100,000 adult population, up from:
- 213 persons in the March quarter 2021; and
- 210 persons in the June quarter 2020.
The imprisonment rate per 100,000 adult population was:
- 974 persons for the Northern Territory, down 1% for the quarter;
- 327 for Western Australia, up 1%;
- 249 for Queensland, up 2%;
- 223 for South Australia, up 1%;
- 207 for New South Wales, up less than 1%;
- 150 for Tasmania, up 3%;
- 139 for Victoria, up 2%; and
- 112 for the Australian Capital Territory, down 7%.
Average daily imprisonment rate(a), By states and territories, Jun 2020, Mar 2021 and Jun 2021
(a) Rate is the number of prisoners per 100,000 adult population. Based on average daily number.
Of all prisoners:
- 92% (39,768) were male; and
- 8% (3,305) were female.
Of all male prisoners, there were:
- 31% (12,327) in New South Wales;
- 23% (9,020) in Queensland; and
- 17% (6,846) in Victoria.
Of all female prisoners, there were:
- 28% (933) in Queensland;
- 26% (864) in New South Wales; and
- 20% (656) in Western Australia.
The imprisonment rate for male prisoners was 405 persons per 100,000 adult male population, up from 401 persons last quarter.
The imprisonment rate for female prisoners was 32 persons per 100,000 adult female population, stable for the quarter.
Type of custody
Of all prisoners, there were:
- 83% (35,834) in secure custody; and
- 17% (7,239) in open custody.
Legal status
35% (15,219) of the 43,114 prisoners (first day of the month) were unsentenced, up from:
- 14,559 in the March quarter 2021; and
- 13,835 in the June quarter 2020.
Of all unsentenced prisoners, there were:
- 30% (4,590) in New South Wales;
- 21% (3,178) in Victoria; and
- 20% (3,024) in Queensland.
64% (27,793) of the 43,114 prisoners (first day of the month) were sentenced:
- up from 27,709 in the March quarter 2021; and
- down from 28,367 in the June quarter 2020.
Of all sentenced prisoners, there were:
- 31% (8,597) in New South Wales;
- 25% (6,862) in Queensland; and
- 17% (4,621) in Western Australia.
Average number of unsentenced prisoners(a), Jun 2016 to Jun 2021
(a) Based on average number on the first day of the month
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners
There were 13,062 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners, up from:
- 12,886 in the March quarter 2021; and
- 12,301 in the June quarter 2020.
Of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners:
- 27% (3,570) were in New South Wales, 27% (3,480) were in Queensland, and 21% (2,689) were in Western Australia;
- 90% (11,805) were male; and
- 63% (8,291) were sentenced.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rates
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate was 2,406 persons per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, up from:
- 2,373 in the March quarter 2021; and
- 2,325 in the June quarter 2020.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate for male prisoners was 4,395 persons per 100,000 adult male Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, up from 4,338 persons last quarter.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate for female prisoners was 458 persons per 100,000 adult female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, up from 450 persons last quarter.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population was:
- 3,836 for Western Australia, stable for the quarter;
- 2,851 for the Northern Territory, down 1%;
- 2,624 for South Australia, down 1%;
- 2,360 for Queensland, up 3%;
- 2,013 for New South Wales, up 2%;
- 1,934 for Victoria, up 2%;
- 1,768 for the Australia Capital Territory, down 2%; and
- 788 for Tasmania, up 10%.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate(a), By states and territories, Jun 2020, Mar 2021 and Jun 2021
a) Rate is the number of prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Based on average daily number.
Community-based corrections
There were 78,785 persons serving CBC orders:
- up from 77,529 in the March quarter 2021; and
- down from 80,411 in the June quarter 2020.
Of all persons serving CBC orders, there were:
- 36,548 in New South Wales, up 3% for the quarter;
- 18,760 in Queensland, up 3%;
- 8,189 in Victoria, down 2%;
- 5,837 in Western Australia, down 1%;
- 5,214 in South Australia, stable;
- 1,957 in Tasmania, stable;
- 1,272 in the Northern Territory, up 1%; and
- 1,008 in the Australian Capital Territory, down 5%.
Average number of persons in community-based corrections(a), Jun 2016 to Jun 2021
a) Based on average number on the first day of the month
Rates for persons in community-based corrections
The rate of persons serving CBC orders was 393 persons per 100,000 adult population:
- up from 387 persons in the March quarter 2021; and
- down from 405 persons in the June quarter 2020.
The rate of persons serving CBC orders per 100,000 adult population was:
- 687 persons for the Northern Territory, up 1% for the quarter;
- 572 for New South Wales, up 3%;
- 469 for Queensland, up 3%;
- 456 for Tasmania, stable;
- 372 for South Australia, stable;
- 301 for the Australian Capital Territory, down 5%;
- 284 for Western Australia, down 1%; and
- 157 for Victoria, down 2%.
Community-based corrections rate(a), By states and territories, Jun 2020, Mar 2021 and Jun 2021
a) Rate per 100,000 persons for the state/territory of interest.
Of all persons serving CBC orders:
- 81% (63,488) were male; and
- 19% (15,253) were female.
The rate for male persons serving CBC orders was 646 persons per 100,000 adult male population, up from 637 persons last quarter.
The rate for female persons serving CBC orders was 149 persons per 100,000 adult female population, up from 147 persons for the quarter.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons serving CBC orders
There were 17,844 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons serving CBC orders, up from:
- 17,459 in the March quarter 2021; and
- 17,229 in the June quarter 2020.
Of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons serving CBC orders, there were:
- 45% (7,979) in New South Wales;
- 28% (4,963) in Queensland; and
- 9% (1,677) in Western Australia.
Average number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons in community-based corrections(a), Jun 2016 to Jun 2021
(a) Based on average number on the first day of the month.
Type of CBC orders
There were 54,862 Sentenced probation orders:
- up from 53,562 in the March quarter 2021; and
- down from 55,153 in the June quarter 2020.
There were 17,615 Parole orders:
- up from 17,451 in the March quarter 2021; and
- down from 17,854 in the June quarter 2020.
There were 13,054 Community service orders:
- up from 12,688 in the March quarter 2021; and
- down from 14,136 in the June quarter 2020.
CBC order type proportions(a), Jun 2020, Mar 2021 and Jun 2021
a) Based on average number on the first day of the month
* Data for this CBC order type are not available or not applicable for certain jurisdictions
Prisoner receptions
The total number of prisoner receptions was 16,139:
- down from 16,481 in the March quarter 2021; and
- up from 14,624 in the June quarter 2020.
Of all prisoner receptions:
- 30% (4,767) were in New South Wales, 21% (3,347) were in Queensland, and 18% (2,962) were in Victoria;
- 87% (14,069) were male; and
- 79% (12,688) were unsentenced.
Number of prisoner receptions(a), Jun 2017 to Jun 2021
(a) Total number of prisoner receptions.
Prisoner releases
The total number of prisoner releases was 16,196:
- up from 15,346 in the March quarter 2021; and
- down from 17,365 in the June quarter 2020.
Of all prisoner releases:
- 29% (4,763) were in New South Wales, 20% (3,316) were in Queensland, and 18% (2,961) were in Victoria;
- 87% (14,111) were male; and
- 55% (8,963) were sentenced.
Number of prisoner releases(a), Jun 2018 to Jun 2021
(a) Total number of prisoner releases.
For information about corrective services data, please refer to the Methodology.
Data downloads
Corrective Services datacubes
Guide to finding data in the Corrective Services Australia publication tables
Corrective Services, Australia - June quarter 2021
Corrective Services, Australia - Prisoner receptions and prisoner releases - June quarter 2021
Corrective Services, Australia - Age standardised community-based corrections, 2020-2021
Previous catalogue number
This release previously used catalogue number 4512.0.