The panel made 31 detailed recommendations relating to methodology, possible additional estimates, planning, communication, and engagement.
The ABS thanks the panel for their valuable time and efforts, application of their significant expertise, and dedication to a thorough and considered approach in their conduct of the review. This led to the delivery of a constructive and comprehensive report on ABS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates.
The ABS has been working with relevant stakeholders and engaging with members of the review panel to implement and explore the recommendations from the review. These investigations have led to new insights and deeper understanding of the methodology used, its applications and their implications.
The next release of Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians will be in late 2023, and will incorporate changes based on the recommendations from the review and subsequent investigations.
The recommendations and the ABS’ response are summarised below. For more detail about the review, or to request a copy of the review report, please email
- Develop and consider the feasibility of producing sub-national life expectancy estimates, in line with the current method, with age-specific adjustments to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths.
- Develop estimates of the error of the gap between life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous Australians.
- Produce guidance on the interpretation of changes in life expectancy to accompany all relevant life expectancy estimates.
4 – 5. Analyse and compare estimates of the error of life expectancy estimates produced with the current method to a method that produces adjustments to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths through linkage between the Census and deaths data only (and not linkage with the Post Enumeration Survey).
- Consider possible improvements to life tables at older ages through addressing potential misreporting of age.
ABS response
The ABS has undertaken investigations into the feasibility of producing sub-national life expectancy estimates with age-specific adjustments to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths (Recommendation 1). Examination of relevant methods has found that, under certain conditions, age-specific adjustments produce life expectancy estimates with high errors. As a result of these investigations, the review panel no longer recommends that the ABS pursue the implementation of age-specific adjustments for sub-national life expectancy estimates. Further, the ABS is reviewing the application of age-specific adjustments for national life expectancy estimates.
The ABS has developed estimates of the error of the gap between life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous Australians, which will be included in the 2020-22 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates release. This release will include other changes to address the recommendations of the review, such as emphasising caution on the interpretation of changes in life expectancy over time.
Possible additional estimates
7 – 8. Consider the feasibility of producing annual life expectancy estimates, as well as estimates for South Australia and Victoria.
- Consider the feasibility of producing population projections that include the impact of non-demographic changes, such as changes in the propensity for people to identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
ABS response
The ABS will explore the feasibility of producing estimates for South Australia and Victoria using data from the 2021 Census of Population and Housing. If feasible, these estimates will be included in the 2020-22 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates release. The ABS will also publish the quality criteria used to assess the feasibility of producing sub-national life expectancy estimates.
Given the method the ABS currently uses to produce Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates is anchored on the five-yearly Census of Population and Housing, the production of annual national estimates will not be further explored at this time.
Working with relevant stakeholders, the ABS will explore the suitability of including an additional projection series that considers the impacts of identification change in the 2011-36 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population projections release.
- Seek to work with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), and other relevant organisations, to clarify the relationship between different life expectancy estimates and reporting.
11 – 12. Planning to determine responses to potential future input data changes (i.e. the Census, the Post Enumeration Survey, and deaths data).
ABS response
The ABS and AIHW have been working together to understand differences in methodologies and clarify the relationship between ABS and AIHW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates. As part of this work, guidance for users on the interpretation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates will be prepared and released during 2023.
An important part of the ABS work program is planning for future developments and changes that may impact the production of statistics. The ABS will continue to plan to address potential future changes that may impact the delivery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates.
13 – 23. Various changes to the structure and content of the ABS website relating to life expectancy estimates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
ABS response
The ABS will publish website updates aimed at improving communication and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates, with particular priority given to providing a plain English explanation of the method currently used to calculate life expectancy. The updates will be published as part of the 2020-22 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates release.
24 – 28. Recommendations to enhance engagement with expert stakeholders, data users, organisations with reporting requirements, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations. This includes recommendations to enhance membership and use of the ABS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Demographic Statistics Expert Advisory Group (ATSIDSEAG).
29 – 31. Recommendations to enhance engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to encourage improved participation, utilisation and understanding of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander statistics, increase engagement with the ABS ATSIDSEAG, and increase opportunities for employment in relevant areas of the ABS.
ABS response
The ABS has reviewed and will continue to regularly review the membership and role of ATSIDSEAG, aiming to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members over time. The ABS will also continue to engage closely with the AIHW and other stakeholders relevant to the production of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates.
The ABS is committed to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through our statistical collections, return of information to community and a diverse workforce. Alongside other relevant areas of the ABS, the ABS Population Statistics Branch is actively pursuing opportunities to increase engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.