TableBuilder: Road Freight Movements, Australia

Statistics on tonnes, tonne-kilometres, total distance travelled of freight moved in Australia between selected ASGS statistical areas by road


This product provides a range of information about the release of microdata from the Road Freight Movements, Australia, including details about the collection methodology and how to use TableBuilder. Data item lists and information on the conditions of use and the quality of the microdata, as well as the definitions used, are also provided.

Microdata are the most detailed information available from a statistical collection and are released with the approval of the Australian Statistician.

Available products

The following microdata products are currently available from this collection:

  • TableBuilder, which is an online tool for creating tables and graphs.

Further information about these services, and other information to assist users in understanding and accessing microdata in general, is available from the Microdata Entry Page on the ABS web site.

Before you apply for access, users should read and familiarise themselves with the information contained in the User Manual:TableBuilder, depending on the mode of access you are interested in.

Apply for access

To apply for access to TableBuilder, register and apply in Registration Centre.

Further information on access steps can be found on the How to Apply for Microdata on the ABS web site.

Further information

Further information about the survey and the microdata products can be found in this product:

  • A detailed list of data items for the TableBuilder is available in the Data Item List
  • The Quality Declaration can be found in the Quality Declaration
  • The Glossary relating to these products can be found in the Glossary
  • The Abbreviations relating to these products can be found in Abbreviations


For support in the use of these formats, please contact Microdata Access Strategies on 02 6252 7714 or via

Data available on request

Data obtained in the survey but not presented in the TableBuilder may be available from the ABS, on request, as statistics in tabulated form.

Subject to confidentiality and sampling variability constraints, special tabulations can be produced incorporating data items, populations and geographic areas selected to meet individual requirements. These are available on request, on a fee for service basis. Contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or for further information.

Using TableBuilder


For general information relating to the TableBuilder or instructions on how to use features of the TableBuilder product, please refer to the User Manual: TableBuilder (cat. no. 1406.0.55.005).

Known issues with survey TableBuilder for Road Freight Movements, Australia

TableBuilder allows users to create tables with multiple selected variables, when lower level geography (SA4 or below) is included, the tables quickly become very large and the tool will switch to large table mode allowing the user to download the table as an external file (Microsoft Excel, etc).

It is important for users to note that at this level of disaggregation (SA4 and below) the Road Freight Movements, Australia estimates will have high RSEs (Relative Standard Errors). Estimates with an RSE between 25% and 50% are considered to be high and should be used with caution. Estimates with an RSE higher than 50% are considered unreliable for general use.

The ABS does not recommend users consider more than 2 additional variables when comparing SA4 level geographic data (Origin and Destination) in a table, and not more than 1 additional variable when comparing SA3 level geographic data (Origin and Destination) in a table.

For more information about Large Table mode, see the User Manual: TableBuilder (catalogue 1406.0.55.005).

Conditions of use

User responsibilities

The Census and Statistics Act 1905 includes a legislative guarantee to respondents that their confidentiality will be protected. This is fundamental to the trust the Australian public has in the ABS, and that trust is in turn fundamental to the excellent quality of ABS information. Without that trust, survey respondents may be less forthcoming or truthful in answering our questionnaires.

For more information, see 'Avoiding inadvertent disclosure' and 'Microdata' on our web page How the ABS keeps your information confidential.

In accordance with the Census and Statistics Act 1905, data in TableBuilder are subjected to a confidentiality process before release. The release of microdata must satisfy the ABS legislative obligation to release information in a manner that is not likely to enable the identification of a particular person or organisation.

This confidentiality process is applied to avoid releasing information that may lead to the identification of individuals, families, households, dwellings or businesses.

Prior to being granted access to TableBuilder users must agree to the following ABS Terms and Conditions of TableBuilder Access:

  • understand that the ABS has taken great care to ensure that the information on the survey output record file is correct and as accurate as possible and understand that the ABS does not guarantee, or accept any legal liability whatsoever arising from, or connected to, the use of any material contained within, or derived from TableBuilder
  • understand that all data extracted from the survey output record file through TableBuilder will be confidentialised prior to being supplied and that as a result, no reliance should be placed on small cells as they are impacted by random adjustment and respondent and processing errors
  • inform the ABS, through your Contact Officer, upon leaving your organisation that your access is disabled
  • not to provide my TableBuilder user ID and password access to any other person or organisation.

Conditions of sale

All ABS products and services are provided subject to the ABS Conditions of Sale. Any queries relating to these Conditions of Sale should be emailed to


Microdata access is priced according to ABS Pricing Policy and Commonwealth Cost Recovery Guidelines. For details refer to ABS Pricing Policy on the ABS website. For microdata prices refer to the Microdata prices web page.

How to apply for access

Clients wishing to access the microdata should read the How to register web page. Clients should familiarise themselves with the User Manual: Responsible Use of ABS CURFs and other related microdata information which are available via the Microdata web pages, before applying for access through the Registration Centre.

Australian universities

The ABS/Universities Australia Agreement provides participating universities with access to a range of ABS products and services. This includes access to microdata. For further information, university clients should refer to the ABS/Universities Australia Agreement web page.

Further information

The Microdata Entry page on the ABS website contains links to microdata related information to assist users to understanding and access microdata. For further information users should email or telephone (02) 6252 7714.

Data item list

The Road Freight Movements, Australia in the Survey TableBuilder contains the following data items for cross-tabulation in TableBuilder under 14 classifications. A list of all classifications available for use within the TableBuilder, including classification details, can be found in the Data downloads section.



Total kilometres travelled = Calculated estimates for total distance travelled in kilometres (Kms).
Total tonnes carried = Calculated estimates for total tonnes carried in tonnes (Tonnes).
Total tonne-kilometres travelled = Calculated estimates for total tonne-kilometres travelled (T-kms), aggregated sum of tonnes x kilometres.
Total unladen kilometres travelled = Calculated estimates for total distance travelled with no load in kilometres (Kms).
Total laden kilometres travelled = Calculated estimates for total distance travelled with a load in kilometres (Kms).
Value = Not for use.


Load related variables

Commodity = ATFCC national commodity classification.
Method of transport = Method by which a load was carried (container, liquid bulk, other freight, solid bulk).
Type of goods = Type of goods carried (dangerous or refrigerated).
Origin = Geographic location where a trip started (ASGS - National, State / Territory, SA4 and SA3).
Destination = Geographic location where a trip ended (ASGS - National, State / Territory, SA4 and SA3).

Vehicle related variables

Year of manufacture = vehicle age grouping (1998 and earlier, 1999 to 2008, 2009 and after).
Trailer configuration = vehicle and trailer configuration (No Trailer, Single w/one axle, Single w/two axles, Single w/three axles, Single w/four or more axles, B-double, B-triple, Road train (two trailers), Road train (three trailers), Other).
Vehicle group = Vehicle type (Rigid or Articulated truck).

Data downloads

Data item list

Explanatory notes

Technical note - Data quality indicators


Quality declaration


Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 9223.0.55.001.