TableBuilder: Jobs and Income of Employed Persons

Information about the Jobs and Income of Employed Persons TableBuilder product, which is based on the Linked Employer-Employee Dataset

About the dataset

This release provides information about the Jobs and Income of Employed Persons TableBuilder product based on data from the Linked Employer-Employee Dataset (LEED). LEED data are published in Jobs in Australia and Personal Income in Australia annually. TableBuilder is an online tool for creating customised tables and graphs.

The Jobs and Income of Employed Persons TableBuilder provides insights to describe the number and nature of filled jobs, the people who held them, and their employers across nearly 2,500 regions in Australia.

This release contains data from the 2021-22 LEED, with data from previous years available in previous Tablebuilder releases (from 2011-12 onwards).

Jobs and Income of Employed Persons provides statistics from the LEED to enable simultaneous analysis of met supply and demand in the Australian labour market. The LEED is a cross-sectional database, which uses administrative tax data to incorporate information from all employees and employers in Australia. This creates a highly detailed dataset to support analysis of employment and income statistics for micro-labour markets. Further details about the construction of the LEED and summary results are available in Jobs in Australia and Personal Income in Australia.

The LEED includes person and employer level information provided by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Registrar of the Australian Business Register (ABR). 

  1. Data is supplied under the Taxation Administration Act 1953, which requires that such data is only used for the purpose of administering the Census and Statistics Act 1905.
  2. ABR data is supplied under A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999, which requires that such data is only used for the purpose of carrying out functions of the ABS.
  3. The LEED uses this data via the Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE), which combines ABS Business Register data, business tax data and information from ABS surveys with data about the use of government programs.

From 2019-20, data on migrants has been linked to the LEED and a selection of variables are available in this TableBuilder product. Migrant data is provided by the Department of Home Affairs as part of the Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA).

Information is confidentialised to ensure privacy and secrecy of the data, in accordance with legislative requirements. Confidentiality information is detailed in the Using TableBuilder section.

File structure and content

Jobs and Income of Employed Persons TableBuilder provides data in two main categories: Persons and Jobs.

Person level data: 

  • Demographic information
  • Geographic information
  • Employee characteristics
  • Income
  • Migrant characteristics

Job level data:

  • Job characteristics
  • Employer characteristics
  • Income

The following spreadsheet contains the full LEED data item list. Data items from the LEED which are not included in the TableBuilder product, may be available on request.  For inquiries about these and related statistics, contact the Customer Assistance Service via the ABS website Contact Us page. The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to us. 

Jobs and Income of Employed Persons TableBuilder data item list

Data items are grouped under broad headings and subheadings, as shown in the image below. These groups expand further for more specific and detailed analysis.

List of data items

Summation options

Summation options are built in to allow you to choose the type of information displayed in the table. These options include sum, mean and median for income based variables, measures of job duration, overlap between jobs, and age, as well as the basic summation options choosing between job and person counts.

The level relevant to each data item, persons or jobs, should be kept in mind when extracting and analysing data. The actual population count for each data item is equal to the total cumulative frequency minus the Not applicable category.

The expanded Job level summation options are pictured below:

JIEP 2021-22, Summation options


All geographic information in the LEED is based on a person’s home address as reported on their Individual Tax Return form. Addresses are coded to the 2021 Australian Statistical Geography Standard, which details Statistical Areas, Local Government Areas, State Electoral Divisions and Commonwealth Electoral Divisions. Information is also available for the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas decile of a person's Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) region. If a geography variable is missing, if possible it is imputed from the individual's most recent Pay As You Go (PAYG) payment summary.


Industry is available at Broad and Fine levels (Industry divisions, subdivisions, groups and classes). Industry information is either provided by the Australian Business Register or determined through the profiling process. An entity is classified to an industry using the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification.


Occupation of main job is classified by Occupation type and Skill level. Occupation classifications refer to the collection of jobs sufficiently similar in title and tasks, skill level and skill specialisation. A person's occupation is identified from the main job on their individual tax return, which is defined by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations.


The Migrant data used in LEED are sourced from the Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA). The Migrant data are a suite of administrative datasets (visa grants and settlements database) from the Department of Home Affairs. These data pertain to permanent migrants and temporary entrants to Australia, as well as Australian citizens who have travelled into or out of Australia. For more information on the migrants' variables in this TableBuilder product, see the Jobs in Australia and Personal Income in Australia methodologies.


The Missing category represents the number of incomplete records for which the data items are not present. The underlying data of the LEED has a high rate of missing variables due to administrative tax data constraints and the linking and imputation processes.

Not applicable

The Not applicable category generally represents the population excluded from a derived data item. For example, the maximum number of concurrent jobs is not applicable for people without a second job.

Interpreting LEED data

Job counts

Median income

Duration adjusted income

Multiple Job-holding and the number of jobs

Using TableBuilder

Register and apply for access to TableBuilder through How to Apply for Microdata. General information and instructions for the TableBuilder product are available in the TableBuilder User Guide. The TableBuilder User Guide provides detailed instructions on how to Build a tableWorking with tables and all other aspects of using the TableBuilder product.

For more information about using microdata in general, see Microdata Entry Page.

Information specific to the Jobs and Income of Employed Persons TableBuilder is outlined below.

Data items for cross-tabulation

The Jobs and Income of Employed Persons TableBuilder contains person and job level data to produce employment and income statistics. When adding data items to a table, it is important to select the associated population to produce the correct tabulation. A table with multiple data items should all be applicable to the same population group.

Cross-tabulating data from the Person level with other data items from the same level will produce data about people. For example, cross-tabulating the geographic variable Statistical Area by the Broad industry of main job produces a table showing the number of people in each region by the industry division of their main job.

Tabulation guidance

Detailed below are the steps required to build your own customised table in the Jobs and Income of Employed Persons. The snippets show an example of one table that could be created, but many other variables are available. To create a table, first select the Jobs and Income of Employed Persons dataset from the Labour Force category:

Jobs and Income of Employed Persons, 2021-22

Selecting a new table enables you to choose specific data items and build a customised table. Opening a new table will provide a blank table.

To define the required table, variables need to be selected and assigned to rows and columns. Filters can be applied to only display data for specific variables, while wafers will enable the data to be displayed in multiple layers of a table. Ensure the correct population is selected and data items are applicable to the same level, for example Person level Sex of person and Statistical area by state:

Tabulation guidance: example table

After you have finished building your table structure, you need to submit the table to the queue and then download it to see the data.

Click 'Queue table' to populate table:

Tablebuilder menu

Please note: Due to the size of this highly detailed dataset and depending on the complexity of selected tables, tabulation may take several minutes.


Confidentiality processes protect information that could potentially identify specific employees, employers or jobs. These processes are implemented to all TableBuilder data in accordance with the Census and Statistics Act 1905. All personal information is handled in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988.

The following processes are used to confidentialise records: 




Field Exclusion Rules

Available LEED Tablebuilder files

LEED data in TableBuilder are available from 2011-12 onwards, across multiple TableBuilder files. The information below specifies what data is available in each product.

LEED data published in Jobs in Australia and Personal Income in Australia includes migrants' data from 2017-18 and data based on the 2021 version of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard from 2016-17. The ABS plans to make updates to older versions of TableBuilder to incorporate the migrants data in the future. 

Jobs and Income of Employed Persons, 2021-22 (latest)

Contains LEED data for 2021-22 based on the 2021 version of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (including information about migrants). The 2021-22 data was added into TableBuilder on 13 December 2024.

Jobs and Income of Employed Persons, 2020-21 

Contains LEED data for 2020-21 based on the 2021 version of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (including information about migrants). 

Jobs and Income of Employed Persons, 2019-20

Contains LEED data for 2019-20 based on the 2016 version of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (including information about migrants).

Jobs in Australia 2011-12 to 2018-19

This product contains LEED data from 2011-12 to 2018-19 based on the 2016 version of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard. This product does not contain information about migrants. 


Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 6160.0.00.001.

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