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Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia

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Payroll jobs and wages estimates, sourced from Single Touch Payroll (STP) data

Reference period
Week ending 13 November 2021

Key statistics

Between the weeks ending 30 October and 13 November 2021:

  • Payroll jobs, up 0.2%
  • Total wages paid, held steady at 0.0%

Update of employer characteristics

This release includes an update to the method used to determine the employer characteristics of payroll jobs. Approximately 4% of all payroll jobs in the underlying STP dataset have had their employer characteristics updated, resulting in one-off revisions to industry, employment size and sector indexes. These revisions are greater in 2021 and impact component indexes differently. For more information, see the Update of employer characteristics section in Methods review.

The ABS recommends that analyses of previously published estimates be refreshed with revised data from this release.

Last interim release

The last release of 'Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Interim' will occur on Wednesday 22 December 2021. It will include updated national and state and territory payroll job estimates up to the week ending 27 November 2021.


This release sees higher than usual revisions in August 2021, as the 16 week imputation retention threshold passes through this period. Increased lags in reporting in lockdown areas, in addition to higher than usual variability around the end of the financial year contributed to some over-imputation, which is now being removed as more complete data is received.

Users should exercise caution when referring to estimates across August 2021.  


In the fortnight to 13 November 2021:

  • Payroll jobs increased by 0.2%, compared to an increase of 1.5% in the previous fortnight
  • Total wages paid held steady at 0.0%, compared to an increase of 0.8% in the previous fortnight
Percentage change in payroll jobs and total wages
In the fortnight since 30 October 2021In the month since 16 October 2021In the year since 14 November 2020
Payroll jobs0.2%1.7%2.4%
Total wages0.0%0.8%7.3%

Estimates of changes throughout this release are calculated using un-rounded index values. They may be different from, but are more accurate than, movements obtained from the rounded index values.

  1. Indexed to the week ending 14 March 2020.
  2. Payroll jobs and wages data during June and July see a greater variation in business payroll reporting around the end of financial year. For more information, see Variation in revisions in Data variability and revisions

State and territory

Payroll jobs

All geographical areas in this release represent the residential address of the jobholder. 

In the fortnight to 13 November 2021, the largest changes in payroll jobs were:

  • Victoria, up 0.8%
  • Northern Territory, down 0.6%

State and territory percentage change in payroll jobs, in the fortnight to 13 November 2021

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This map presents the percentage change in payroll jobs in the fortnight up to 13 November 2021, by the state and territory of the jobholder's residential address. 

- New South Wales (-0.1%)
- Victoria (0.8%)
- Queensland (-0.1%)
- South Australia (0.1%)
- Western Australia (-0.1%)
- Tasmania (0.1%)
- Northern Territory (-0.6%)
- Australian Capital Territory (0.3%)

Percentage change in payroll jobs, by state and territory
In the fortnight since 30 October 2021In the month since 16 October 2021In the year since 14 November 2020
New South Wales-0.1%1.8%0.2%
South Australia0.1%0.5%3.6%
Western Australia-0.1%0.5%5.2%
Northern Territory-0.6%0.0%5.6%
Australian Capital Territory0.3%4.6%-0.9%

Total wages

In the fortnight to 13 November 2021, the largest changes in total wages paid were:

  • Northern Territory, down 1.2%
  • Tasmania, up 0.8%
Percentage change in total wages, by state and territory
In the fortnight since 30 October 2021In the month since 16 October 2021In the year since 14 November 2020
New South Wales-0.2%1.2%6.3%
South Australia-0.4%0.4%8.1%
Western Australia0.0%-0.2%9.3%
Northern Territory-1.2%-0.9%7.0%
Australian Capital Territory-0.7%1.9%5.8%

Sub-state - payroll jobs

Time series estimates of payroll jobs by sub-state regions (Statistical Area 4 (SA4), Statistical Area 3 (SA3) and Greater Capital City Area (GCCSA) regions) are presented as index values in Table 5 of the Data downloads. 

For more information on the geography used in this release, see the Glossary.

GCCSA regions percentage change in payroll jobs, in the fortnight to 13 November 2021

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This map presents the percentage change in payroll jobs in the fortnight up to 13 November 2021, by the GCCSA region of the jobholder's residential address. 
- Greater Sydney (-0.3%)
- Rest of New South Wales (0.0%)
- Greater Melbourne (0.8%)
- Rest of Victoria (-0.1%)
- Greater Brisbane (-0.1%)
- Rest of Queensland (-0.4%)
- Greater Adelaide (0.0%)
- Rest of South Australia (-0.2%)
- Greater Perth (-0.2%)
- Rest of Western Australia (0.1%)
- Greater Hobart (0.2%)
- Rest of Tasmania (-0.2%)
- Greater Darwin (-0.8%)
- Rest of Northern Territory (-0.4%)
- Australian Capital Territory (0.3%)


The ACT only has one GCCSA region for the entire Territory.

Sex and age group

Impact of unknown sex

Persons aged 15-19 years old by sex indexes are impacted by a higher proportion of records with unknown sex than other age group indexes. For more information, see the Impact of unknown sex section in Data variability and revisions

Payroll jobs

In the fortnight to 13 November 2021, the largest changes in payroll jobs were:

  • worked by females, up 0.3%
  • worked by males, down 0.3%
  • worked by persons aged 15-19, up 2.1%
Percentage change in payroll jobs, by sex and age group (a)
 In the fortnight since 30 October 2021In the month since 16 October 2021In the year since 14 November 2020
Age group (years)15-192.1%7.3%7.3%
70 and over0.6%2.2%3.7%
All persons0.2%1.7%2.4%

a. Persons with 'unknown' sex and age are only included in the calculation of All persons indexes. For more information, see Inclusion of unknown characteristics in How data are processed.

  1. Indexed to the week ending 14 March 2020.

Total wages

In the fortnight to 13 November 2021, the largest changes in total wages paid were:

  • worked by males, down 0.3%
  • worked by persons aged 15-19, up 2.7%
Percentage change in total wages, by sex and age group (a)
 In the fortnight since 30 October 2021In the month since 16 October 2021In the year since 14 November 2020
Age group (years)15-192.7%9.9%13.3%
70 and over0.0%1.6%10.0%
All persons0.0%0.8%7.3%

a. Persons with 'unknown' sex and age are only included in the calculation of All persons indexes. For more information, see Inclusion of unknown characteristics in How data are processed.

5 year age groups - Payroll jobs

Time series estimates of payroll jobs by 5 year age groups by sex are presented as index values in Table 8 of the Data downloads. 


Payroll jobs

In the fortnight to 13 November 2021, the largest changes in payroll jobs were:

  • Arts and recreation services, up 6.4%
  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing, down 3.0%
Percentage change in payroll jobs, by industry (a)
In the fortnight since 30 October 2021In the month since 16 October 2021In the year since 14 November 2020
Agriculture, forestry and fishing-3.0%-2.9%-4.8%
Electricity, gas, water and waste services-0.5%-0.7%5.0%
Wholesale trade-0.6%-0.9%-0.3%
Retail trade1.3%4.7%1.1%
Accommodation and food services1.9%7.9%-5.1%
Transport, postal and warehousing-0.4%0.7%-3.5%
Information media and telecommunications-0.1%0.8%-0.8%
Financial and insurance services-1.2%-0.1%6.0%
Rental, hiring and real estate services-0.8%0.0%0.6%
Professional, scientific and technical services-1.1%-1.3%3.1%
Administrative and support services-0.1%1.3%0.4%
Public administration and safety0.1%0.6%1.6%
Education and training1.2%3.7%3.5%
Health care and social assistance-0.4%0.3%5.1%
Arts and recreation services6.4%16.9%3.5%
Other services0.0%3.3%-3.1%
All industries0.2%1.7%2.4%
  1. Some industries experience pronounced seasonality in either payroll jobs and wages or both. For more information, see Seasonality in Data variability and revisions.

  1. Industries ranked by percentage change in the latest fortnight. 

Total wages

In the fortnight to 13 November 2021, the largest changes in total wages paid were:

  • Arts and recreation services, up 5.4%
  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing, down 5.0%
Percentage change in total wages, by industry(a)
In the fortnight since 30 October 2021In the month since 16 October 2021In the year since 14 November 2020
Agriculture, forestry and fishing-5.0%-2.4%-0.7%
Electricity, gas, water and waste services-0.9%-1.5%7.9%
Wholesale trade-0.8%-0.8%6.1%
Retail trade3.2%4.0%3.9%
Accommodation and food services4.3%15.2%0.5%
Transport, postal and warehousing-1.4%0.4%2.9%
Information media and telecommunications-0.5%-0.7%4.8%
Financial and insurance services-2.4%-3.8%10.9%
Rental, hiring and real estate services-2.1%-1.7%8.9%
Professional, scientific and technical services-0.5%-0.6%10.9%
Administrative and support services0.0%1.4%6.9%
Public administration and safety-0.4%-0.1%5.8%
Education and training0.9%2.1%4.2%
Health care and social assistance-0.9%-0.2%9.6%
Arts and recreation services5.4%15.1%11.1%
Other services0.5%2.9%1.8%
All industries0.0%0.8%7.3%
  1. Some industries experience pronounced seasonality in either payroll jobs and wages or both. For more information, see Seasonality in Data variability and revisions.

Industry subdivision - Payroll jobs

Time series estimates of payroll jobs by industry subdivision are presented as index values in Table 6 of the Data downloads. For more information on the industry classifications used in this release, see the Glossary

Private sector industry - Payroll jobs

Time series estimates of payroll jobs by private sector for selected industry divisions are presented as index values in Table 9 of the Data downloads. More information on the sector classification can be found in Updating characteristics variables in How data are processed and the Glossary

Employment size

The ABS has previously advised caution in using the most recent periods in payroll jobs by employment size indexes, which are subject to higher than usual revisions over a longer period - particularly for small employers. These indexes are more heavily influenced by changes in reporting behaviour and reporting obligations than other indexes, affecting the interpretation of underlying change in labour market conditions. To provide more stability at the end point of these series, a month lag in the reference week is in place. 

In this release the latest week of data for these indexes is for the week ending 16 October 2021, which is also reflected in the percentage change estimates presented. 

Percentage change in payroll jobs by employment size(a)(b)
In the fortnight since 2 October 2021In the month since 18 September 2021In the year since 17 October 2020
Under 20 employees1.8%1.3%5.4%
20-199 employees2.1%1.6%-0.4%
200 employees and over1.6%1.2%2.3%
All businesses1.7%1.3%2.4%
  1. Records with 'unknown' employment size are only included in the calculation of All businesses indexes. For more information, see Revisions in sub-populations in Data variability and revisions
  2. With respect to the week ending 16 October 2021.  

Distribution of characteristics

To aid in the interpretability of payroll job estimates, the following data download contains selected distributions of jobholder and employer characteristics by state and territory. 

Records with 'unknown' characteristics have been excluded from the calculation of proportions, however as at mid-November 2021:

  • almost no payroll jobs have an unknown state or territory,
  • less than 0.5% of payroll jobs have an unknown age,
  • less than 1.5% of payroll jobs have an unknown industry, and
  • less than 3% of payroll jobs have unknown sex.

For more information on the source and impact of unknowns see the Updating characteristic variables section in How data are processed and Impact of unknown sex section in Data variability and revisions.

Table 20: Payroll jobs - characteristics distributions

Contains selected distributions of jobholder and employer characteristics, available in this release since 9 September 2021. 

Data downloads

Table 4: Payroll jobs and wages indexes

Table 5: Sub-state - Payroll jobs indexes

Table 6: Industry subdivision - Payroll jobs indexes

Table 7: Employer characteristics - Payroll jobs index

Contains estimates of payroll jobs by employment size, including state and territory dimension, updated to the week ending 16 October 2021.

Table 8: Jobholder characteristics - Payroll jobs index

Contains estimates of payroll jobs by 5 year age groups. 

Table 9: Sector - Payroll jobs index

Contains estimates of payroll jobs by private sector for selected industry divisions, available in this release since 7 October 2021. 


All data cubes

Changes in this release

The following section was updated in this release:

  • National: Additional index of Australian payroll jobs with New South Wales, Victoria and Australian Capital Territory excluded (Rest of Australia) will no longer be included.

The following sections of the Methodology were updated in this release:

  • Methods review: Update of employer characteristics
  • Data variability and revisions: Addition of Impact of unknown sex and update to Revisions in sub-populations
  • Glossary: New terms added

Upcoming changes to this release

Expansion of outputs

Payroll job outputs will be expanded over 2022. The availability in specific releases is yet to be determined. Expected Data download templates are available on request at

In alphabetical order, the planned outputs are: 

  • Employment size by industry division
  • Industry division by Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4)
  • Jobholder and employer characteristics distributions
  • Private sector by state/territory
  • State by industry subdivision

Previous articles

Previously published articles and information of interest are linked below:

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 6160.0.55.001.

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