Labour Force, Australia

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Headline estimates of employment, unemployment, underemployment, participation and hours worked from the monthly Labour Force Survey

Reference period
May 2020

Key statistics

Seasonally adjusted estimates for May 2020:

  • Unemployment rate increased to 7.1%.
  • Participation rate decreased to 62.9%.
  • Employment decreased to 12,154,100.
  • Employment to population ratio decreased to 58.4%.
  • Underemployment rate decreased to 13.1%.
  • Monthly hours worked decreased to 1,605 million hours.
Apr-20May-20Monthly changeYearly change
Seasonally adjusted
Employed people12,381,80012,154,100-227,700 (-1.8%)-695,600 (-5.4%)
Unemployed people841,900927,60085,700 (10.2%)219,200 (30.9%)
Unemployment rate6.4%7.1%0.7 pts1.9 pts
Underemployment rate13.8%13.1%-0.7 pts4.5 pts
Participation rate63.6%62.9%-0.7 pts-3.2 pts
Monthly hours worked in all jobs1,617 million1,605 million-12 million (-0.7%)-158 million (-9.0%)

Estimates of changes are calculated using un-rounded level estimates, and may be different from, but are more accurate than, movements obtained from the rounded level estimates.

Survey impacts and changes

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In seasonally adjusted terms, in May 2020:

  • the unemployment rate increased by 0.7 pts to 7.1% (1.9 pts higher than a year ago)
  • unemployed people increased by 85,700 to 927,600 (and increased by 219,200 over the year to May 2020)
  • the youth unemployment rate increased by 2.0 pts to 16.1% (and increased by 4.1 pts over the year to May 2020)

Unemployment rate, Seasonally adjusted

Unemployment rate, Seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 121 data points.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Data ranges from 4.8769908 to 7.0907794.
End of interactive chart.


In seasonally adjusted terms, in May 2020:

  • employment decreased by 227,700 people (1.8%) to 12,154,100 people
  • over the year to May 2020, employment decreased by 5.4% or 695,600 people

Underpinning these net changes in the number of employed people are extensive flows of people into and out of employment. Around 700,000 people who were employed in April were not employed in May, while around 500,000 people who were not employed in April were employed in May. See the article People who lost a job or were stood down: Flows analysis.

Employed persons, Seasonally adjusted

Employed persons, Seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 121 data points.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying '000. Data ranges from 10938.48919 to 12992.34437.
End of interactive chart.

Full-time and part-time employment

In seasonally adjusted terms, in May 2020:

  • full-time employment decreased by 89,100 people to 8,540,000 people, and part-time employment decreased 138,600 to 3,614,100 people
  • over the year to May 2020, full-time employment decreased by 237,900 people and part-time employment decreased by 457,700 people

This change led to a decrease in the part-time share of employment over the past 12 months, from 30.3 to 29.7%.

Employment-to-population ratio

In seasonally adjusted terms, in May 2020:

  • the employment-to-population ratio decreased by 1.1 pts to 58.4%, and decreased by 4.2 pts from the same time last year

The employment-to-population ratio provides a measure of employment relative to the size of the population.

Employment-to-population ratio, Seasonally adjusted

Employment-to-population ratio, Seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 3 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Data ranges from 53.794684 to 69.386184.
End of interactive chart.

Hours worked

In seasonally adjusted terms, in May 2020, monthly hours worked in all jobs:

  • decreased by 12 million hours (-0.7%) to 1,605 million hours
  • decreased by 9.0% over the year, which is higher than the 5.4% decrease in employed people

See the article Insights into Hours worked for more.

Monthly hours worked in all jobs, Seasonally adjusted

Monthly hours worked in all jobs, Seasonally adjusted

Combination chart with 2 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 2 Y axes displaying % and Millions.
End of interactive chart.


In seasonally adjusted terms, in May 2020, the participation rate:

  • decreased by 0.7 pts to 62.9%, and decreased 3.2 pts over the year to May 2020
  • decreased by 0.8 pts for men (to 68.1%) and decreased by 0.6 pts for women (57.8%)
  • decreased by 0.8 pts to 75.3% for 15 to 64 year olds (the working age population). For 15 to 64 year old men, it was 80.1% and for 15 to 64 year old women it was 70.6%
  • decreased by 2.8 pts to 59.9% for 15 to 24 year olds

Participation rate, Seasonally adjusted

Participation rate, Seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 3 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Data ranges from 57.809819 to 72.812462.
End of interactive chart.


In seasonally adjusted terms, in May 2020:

  • the underemployment rate decreased by 0.7 pts to 13.1% (4.5 pts higher than a year ago)
  • the underutilisation rate increased less than 0.1 pts to 20.2%

Underemployment rate, Seasonally adjusted

Underemployment rate, Seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 3 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Data ranges from 5.0132711 to 15.0590034.
End of interactive chart.

States and territories

May 2020, Seasonally adjusted

May 2020, Seasonally adjusted
New South WalesVictoriaQueenslandSouth AustraliaWestern AustraliaTasmaniaNorthern TerritoryAustralian Capital TerritoryAustralia
Employed persons3,856,4003,247,1002,390,900806,1001,272,000238,700129,900227,50012,154,100
Employed persons - monthly change-1.1%-2.1%-1.2%-1.4%-2.3%-4.0%-1.6%-1.6%-1.8%
Employment to population ratio58.1%59.3%57.7%55.6%59.7%53.7%69.2%66.6%58.4%
Employment to population ratio - monthly change-0.7 pts-1.3 pts-0.7 pts-0.8 pts-1.4 pts-2.3 pts-1.1 pts-1.1 pts-1.1 pts
Unemployment rate6.4%6.9%7.9%7.9%8.1%6.4%7.4%4.1%7.1%
Unemployment rate - monthly change0.1 pts0.9 pts0.9 pts0.7 pts2.0 pts0.1 pts1.8 pts-0.1 pts0.7 pts
Underemployment rate13.5%15.2%11.8%13.1%12.1%14.6%10.3%5.7%13.1%
Underemployment rate - monthly change0.2 pts0.7 pts-1.1 pts-2.5 pts-2.3 pts-1.8 pts-0.0 pts-3.5pts-0.7 pts
Participation rate62.10%63.7%62.6%60.3%65.0%57.3%74.7%69.4%62.9%
Participation rate - monthly change-0.7 pts-0.8 pts-0.2 pts-0.4 pts-0.1 pts-2.3 pts0.2 pts-1.2 pts-0.7 pts

Rotation group analysis

Contribution from sample components to estimates

Data downloads

Labour Force Survey results are released in two stages, with data not included in this first release included in the second monthly release Labour Force, Australia, DetailedThis second release includes both monthly and quarterly data. See the Survey output section of Labour Force, Australia methodology.

Labour force status

Table 1. Labour force status by Sex, Australia - Trend, Seasonally adjusted and Original

Table 4. Labour force status by Sex, New South Wales - Trend, Seasonally adjusted and Original

Table 5. Labour force status by Sex, Victoria - Trend, Seasonally adjusted and Original

Table 6. Labour force status by Sex, Queensland - Trend, Seasonally adjusted and Original

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