Labour Force, Australia, Detailed

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Detailed monthly and quarterly Labour Force Survey data, including hours, regions, families, job search, job duration, casual, industry and occupation

Reference period
July 2020

Data from the monthly Labour Force Survey are released in two stages:

  1. Labour Force, Australia - which contains headline estimates estimates of employment, unemployment, underemployment, participation and hours worked
  2. Labour Force, Australia, Detailed - which contains detailed data not included in the first release

This second release of Labour Force Survey data includes the latest detailed monthly and quarterly data. Some information, including industry, occupation, sector, job duration, and retrenchment, is only available for February, May, August and November.

As a result, in the 'non-quarter' months, the quarterly spreadsheets and datacubes have a different reference period. For example, the May issue contains May monthly and May quarterly data, while the July issue will contain July monthly and May quarterly data.

For more information on the data contained in the first and second releases, see the Survey output section of the Labour Force Survey Methodology page.

Labour Force Status

Monthly (July)

Table 01. Labour force status by age, social marital status and sex

Table 02. Labour force status by state, territory, greater capital city and rest of state (ASGS) and sex

Table 03. Labour force status for 15-24 year olds by age, educational attendance (full-time) and sex and by state, territory and educational attendance (full-time)

LM1 - Labour force status by age, greater capital city and rest of state (ASGS), marital status and sex, February 1978 onwards (pivot table)

LM3 - Labour force status for 15-24 year olds by age, educational attendance (full-time), sex and year left school, April 1986 onwards (pivot table)

Industry, Occupation and Sector

Quarterly (May)

Table 04. Employed persons by Industry division of main job (ANZSIC) - Trend, Seasonally adjusted, and Original

Table 05. Employed persons by State, Territory and Industry division of main job (ANZSIC)

Table 06. Employed persons by Industry sub-division of main job (ANZSIC) and Sex

Table 07. Employed persons by Occupation major group of main job (ANZSCO) and Sex

Table 11. Employed persons by Industry division of main job (ANZSIC) and Hours actually worked in all jobs

Hours worked

Monthly (July)

Table 09. Employed persons by hours actually worked in all jobs and sex

Table 10. Employed persons by hours usually worked in all jobs and sex

EM1a - Employed persons by age, hours actually worked in all jobs and sex, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

EM1b - Employed persons by hours actually worked in all jobs, state and territory, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

EM2a - Employed persons who worked fewer hours than usual by hours actually worked in all jobs and sex, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)


Monthly (July)

Table 14a. Unemployed persons by duration of job search and sex

Table 14b. Unemployed persons by duration of job search and sex - trend, seasonally adjusted and original

Table 14c. Median duration of job search by state, territory and duration of job search

Table 14d. Median duration of job search by age and duration of job search

Table 14e. Median duration of job search by relationship in household and duration of job search

Underemployment and underutilisation

Quarterly (May)

Table 19. Underemployed persons by Industry division (ANZSIC), Occupation major group (ANZSCO) of main job and Sex

Table 23a. Volume measures of underutilisation by State, Territory and Sex

Table 23b. Volume measures of underutilisation by Age and Sex

Status in employment

Monthly (July)

Table 08. Employed persons by Status in employment of main job and Sex

EM6 - Employed persons by hours actually worked in all jobs, sex and status in employment of main job, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

EM6a - Employed persons by hours actually worked in all jobs, sex, status in employment of main job, and state, January 1991 (pivot table)

Quarterly (May)

Table 13. Employed persons by Status in employment of main job and Hours actually worked in all jobs

EQ04 - Employed persons by Hours actually worked in all jobs, Sex and Status in employment of main job, February 1991 onwards (Pivot Table)

EQ05 - Employed persons by Industry division (ANZSIC) and Status in employment of main job, February 1991 onwards (Pivot Table)

Labour market regions (SA4)

Monthly (July)

Table 16. Labour force status by labour market region (ASGS) and sex

Table 16b. Labour force status by labour market region (ASGS) and sex, annual averages of the previous 12 months

Table 16c. Median duration of job search by labour market region (ASGS) and duration of job search

RM1 - Labour force status by age, labour market region (ASGS) and sex, October 1998 onwards (pivot table)

RM3 - Unemployed persons by duration of job search and labour market region (ASGS), July 1991 onwards (pivot table)

Relationship in household

Monthly (July)

FM1 - Labour force status by relationship in household, sex, state and territory, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

FM2 - Labour force status by age and relationship in household, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

FM3 - Employed persons by hours actually worked in all jobs and relationship in household, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

FM4 - Unemployed persons by duration of job search and relationship in household, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

Current and expected job duration

Quarterly (May)

Table 17. Employed persons by Expectations of future employment and Number of months with current employer or in own business

EQ02 - Employed persons by Number of months with current employer or in own business, Sex, State and Territory, May 2001 onwards (Pivot Table)


Quarterly (May)

Table 29a. Retrenchment by Labour force status, State and Territory

Table 29b. Retrenchment by Labour force status and by Age and Sex

Not in the labour force

Monthly (July)

NM1 - Persons not in the labour force (NILF) by age, reason not in the labour force and sex, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

NM2 - Persons not in the labour force (NILF) by reason not in the labour force, state and territory, January 1991 onwards (pivot table)

All data downloads

All monthly time series spreadsheets

All monthly pivot tables

All quarterly time series spreadsheets

All quarterly pivot tables

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue numbers:

  • 6291.0.55.001; and
  • 6291.0.55.003.