Average Weekly Earnings, Australia

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This biannual survey contains estimates of average weekly ordinary time and total earnings classified by sector, state/territory and industry

Reference period
May 2019

Key statistics

  • Full-time adult average weekly earnings rose by 3.0% to $1,633.80.
  • Male average weekly earnings: $1,891.50 (public), $1,696.30 (private).
  • Female average weekly earnings: $1,691.00 (public), $1,401.50 (private).
  • The mining industry had the highest average weekly earnings at $2,573.00.

Main features

May key figures

The following table contains the key Average Weekly Earnings figures for the May 2019 reference period.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics' Average Weekly Earnings survey is designed to measure the level of average earnings in Australia at a point in time. Movements in average weekly earnings can be affected by changes in both the level of earnings per employee and in the composition of the labour force. Factors which can contribute to compositional change include variations in the proportion of full-time, part-time, casual and junior employees; variations in the occupational distribution within and across industries; and variations in the distribution of employment between industries.

Table 1 - Average weekly earnings, key figures, Australia, May 2019

  May 2019May 2018 to May 2019
  $% change
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 633.803.0
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 695.202.7
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 238.302.5
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 634.803.1
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 695.102.7
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 237.902.5

a. For further information regarding Trend estimates, please refer to paragraphs 64 to 70 on the methodology page.

Trend estimates

In the twelve months to May 2019, Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings increased by 3.0% to $1,633.80.

The Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Total Earnings in May 2019 was $1,695.20, an increase of 2.7% from the same time last year.

To access the time series spreadsheets related to the measures presented above, please refer to the Data downloads section.

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Table 2 below presents the trend estimates of the key Average Weekly Earnings, Australia series. Trend estimates are obtained by removing calendar related effects and irregular components from the data. They are considered a reliable guide to the underlying direction of the series.

Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings between May 2018 and May 2019 rose by 3.0% to $1,633.80.

Table 2 - Average weekly earnings, Australia, trend(a), May 2019

  May 2019May 2018 to May 2019
  $% change
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 726.302.9
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 811.902.4
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 475.502.1
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 484.803.6
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 506.603.7
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 010.703.5
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 633.803.0
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 695.202.7
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 238.302.5

a. For further information regarding Trend estimates, please refer to paragraphs 64 to 70 on the methodology page.

Original series data presented below has not been adjusted to remove the effects of either seasonal or irregular influences. Compared with May 2018, Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings rose by 3.1% to $1,634.80, in original terms.

Table 3 - Average weekly earnings, Australia, original, May 2019

  May 2019May 2018 to May 2019
  $% change
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 727.703.0
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 811.902.4
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 475.602.1
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 485.503.6
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 507.203.7
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 010.803.5
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 634.803.1
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 695.102.7
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 237.902.5

It is important to note that while Average Weekly Earnings data can be used to compare, at the very broad level, average earnings between males and females, such comparisons do not take into account a range of compositional differences. For example, differences in occupation or hours worked which contribute significantly to the differences observed between male and female earnings. Details of occupation and hours worked are not collected in the Average Weekly Earnings survey. For further comparisons between male and female wages, including hourly rates and by occupation, refer to Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia (cat. no. 6306.0).

For further earnings information related to industry, including a breakdown by sex, please refer to the time series spreadsheets in the Data downloads section.

Private and public sector earnings

In May 2019, the Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings was $1,785.40 in the Public sector. Private sector Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings was $1,594.70.

Table 4 - Average weekly earnings, by sector, original, May 2019

  May 2019May 2018 to May 2019
  $% change
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 634.803.1
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 695.102.7
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 237.902.5
Private Sector
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 594.703.3
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 656.602.8
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 182.602.7
Public Sector
 Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings1 785.402.6
 Full-time adult average weekly total earnings1 839.702.5
 All employees average weekly total earnings1 476.302.2

Looking at Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings for May 2019 in more detail:

  • the Full-Time Adult Male Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings was $1,891.50 in the Public sector, and $1,696.30 in the Private sector; and
  • the Full-Time Adult Female Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings was $1,691.00 in the Public sector, and $1,401.50 in the Private sector.

For further earnings information related to sector, including a breakdown by sex, and estimates in Trend and Seasonally Adjusted terms, please refer to the time series spreadsheets in the Data downloads section.

Industry earnings

In May 2019, employees in the Mining industry had the highest Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings in Australia at $2,573.00 The industry with the lowest level of Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings was the Accommodation and food services industry ($1,162.40).

For further earnings information related to industry, including a breakdown by sex, please refer to the time series spreadsheets in the Data downloads section.

State and territory earnings

In May 2019, Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings was highest for the Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia, $1,809.70, and $1,780.80 respectively.

For further earnings information related to States and Territories, including detailed breakdown by sex, please refer to the time series spreadsheets in the Data downloads section.

Average weekly cash earnings

Commentary in the other sections of this release relates exclusively to estimates of employee earnings excluding amounts salary sacrificed. This section includes information on Average Weekly Cash Earnings (AWCE), which provides estimates of employee earnings including amounts salary sacrificed.

Salary sacrifice is defined as an arrangement where an employee agrees to forgo part of his or her salary in return for benefits of a similar value. Common types of salary sacrifice arrangements include pre-tax contributions to superannuation funds and novated leases for motor vehicles.

Average weekly ordinary time cash earnings, full time adults, original

Average weekly ordinary time cash earnings, full time adults, original

Line chart with 3 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Reference period.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $. Data ranges from 1368.5 to 1768.
End of interactive chart.

In May 2019, on average, full-time adult employees in Australia salary sacrificed $46.80 (Full-time adult ordinary time cash earnings $1,681.60 minus Full-time adult ordinary time earnings $1,634.80). This is an increase of $1.00 from November 2018.

Amounts salary sacrificed by an employee can be affected by a change in his or her earnings (for example, an increase in the level of overtime worked or commissions earned). Additionally, some employees sacrifice more of their salary at the beginning of the financial year and then the amount tapers off towards the end of the year when he or she has reached the concessional contributions cap for salary sacrificing superannuation. For other employees, the amount of salary sacrificed increases towards the end of the financial year to ensure the cap is reached. A feature article examining Salary Sacrifice arrangements of Australian employees was published in the November 2012 AWE release.

For further earnings information related to Average Weekly Cash Earnings, please refer to the data cubes in the Data downloads section.


For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070. The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to us.

Data downloads - time series spreadsheets

Table 1. Average weekly earnings, Australia (dollars) - trend

Table 2. Average weekly earnings, Australia (dollars) - seasonally adjusted

Table 3. Average weekly earnings, Australia (dollars) - original

Table 4. Average weekly earnings, private sector - Australia (dollars) - trend

Table 5. Average weekly earnings, private sector - Australia (dollars) - seasonally adjusted

Table 6. Average weekly earnings, private sector - Australia (dollars) - original

Data downloads - data cubes

Table 15: Average weekly cash earnings, Australia by sector (dollars) - original

Table 16: Average weekly cash earnings, state by sector (dollars) - original

Table 17: Average weekly cash earnings, industry, Australia (dollars) - original