Drought conditions meant reduced water availability for many Australian farming businesses in 2018-19.
During 2018-19:
- 8 million megalitres of water was used in agricultural production (down 24% from 2017-18)
- 7.2 million megalitres of water was applied to crops and pastures (down 26%)
- 2 million hectares of agricultural land was irrigated (down 15%)
- 21,900 farms applied water to their land (down 2%)
Irrigation of crops and pastures
The majority of water used on farms was applied to pastures and crops.
In 2018-19, 5 million megalitres were applied to Crops (70% of all water applied):
- 1.3 million megalitres for cotton (down 53%)
- 1 million megalitres for fruit and nuts (up 7%)
- 882,000 megalitres for sugar cane (down 13%)
- 75,600 megalitres for rice (down 90%)
Of the 2.2 million megalitres applied to Pastures (30% of all water applied):
- 1.5 million megalitres for pastures and cereals fed off (down 18%)
- 454,400 megalitres for pastures and cereals cut for hay (down 5%)
- 214,900 megalitres for pastures cut for silage (up 11%)
Murray Darling Basin
Lower than average rainfall and resulting drought in many catchment areas resulted in decreased water available for irrigation.
Almost two thirds (62%) of Australia's total water use for irrigation was within the Murray Darling Basin region where there was:
- 1.1 million hectares of agricultural land irrigated (down 26%)
- 4.4 million megalitres of water applied (down 35%)
Cotton, pastures for grazing and fruit and nut trees used 63% of the water applied in this region:
- 1.2 million megalitres for cotton (down 51%)
- 803,000 megalitres for pastures and cereals crops used for grazing (down 36%)
- 769,000 megalitres for fruit and nuts (up 13%)