Apparent consumption
Apparent consumption in this publication measures the amount of food purchased from sales data, but does not measure actual consumption as it does not account for food purchases from fast food outlets, cafes and restaurants, or foods not consumed due to waste or storage. For more information on the scope and methods see the Methodology.
Australian Dietary Guidelines
The apparent consumption of non-discretionary foods has been compared to the recommendations in the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines. The daily serves per capita available from food sales were lower than the average recommendations in the ADG for each of the five food groups. In particular, the apparent daily consumption of fruit was below the recommended average two serves per day, at 1.5 serves per person. In comparison, vegetables were well below the recommended average five serves per day, at just 2.3 serves.
Note(s): The darker column indicates the (population weighted) average recommended serves across life stage age groups.
a. Non-discretionary foods. See Glossary for more information.
b. Vegetables and legumes/beans.
c. Includes fruit juice.
d. Milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives.
e. Meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and legumes/beans.
Sodium consumption
The average daily amount of apparent sodium consumption was 3,140 milligrams per person. This is 1.6 times the recommended daily intake of 2,000 milligrams per person. Typically consumed as table salt, sodium is also found naturally in a variety of food products. The largest contributors of sodium were from salt, stocks and seasonings (23.1%), followed by regular breads and bread rolls (8.5%), processed meat (8.1%), gravies and savoury sauces (7.5%), and cheese (5.0%).
Australian buying habits reflect seasonal patterns. The average apparent consumption of all foods was higher during the summer (1,622 grams) than winter months (1,476 grams), with non-alcoholic beverages the highest in the summer months due to a peak in the purchase of soft drinks over the festive season. Food consumption also reflects seasonal produce availability, with purchases of citrus fruit peaking in winter months.