Producer Price Indexes, Australia

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Contains a range of producer price indexes, economy-wide indexes presented in a Stage of Production framework and measures for specific industries

Reference period
December 2019

Key statistics

Final demand (excluding exports):

  • rose 0.3% this quarter; and
  • rose 1.4% over the last twelve months.

Main features

​​​​​​​Final demand (excluding exports)

  • rose 0.3% this quarter
  • rises in accommodation (+5.7%), petroleum refining and petroleum fuel manufacturing (+4.9%) and other agriculture (+4.1%)
  • falls in sugar and confectionary manufacturing (-4.6%) and dairy product manufacturing (-1.4%)

Key figures

Key figures
Stage of productionSep 19 Qtr to Dec 19 QtrDec 18 Qtr to Dec 19 Qtr
% change% change
Final demand (excl. exports)0.31.4

Stage of production final demand

Stage of production final demand

Line chart with 17 data points.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying index no.. Data ranges from 105.9 to 112.4.
End of interactive chart.

Index reference period: 2011-12 = 100.0.

Stage of production final demand, quarterly

Stage of production final demand, quarterly

Bar chart with 17 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % change. Data ranges from -0.2 to 0.8.
End of interactive chart.

Changes in future issues

From December 2019 quarter, the ABS will only publish the Final Demand (excluding exports) series. For further advice on this change please refer to the notice published in the September 2019 quarter release.

Final Demand is now published as a contribution to Final Demand by Industry and the following Tables and Data Cubes have been modified to accommodate the changes:

  • Table 1 Final demand (formerly Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10 Stage of Production), Index Numbers and Percentage Changes, will now contain Final Demand, total, series ID numbers A2314865F, A2314866J and A2314867K only.
  • Table 5 Final demand (formerly Table 5 Stage of Production): Contribution to Final demand index by industry - index points, will now contain Final Demand, Total Index points by Industry, current and previous quarter only.

The following Tables and Data Cubes have been discontinued to accommodate the above changes:

  • Table 6 Stage of Production: Contribution to Domestic Final demand index by industry and destination - index points.
  • Table 7 Stage of Production: Contribution to Imported Final demand index by industry and destination - index points.
  • Table 8 Stage of Production: Contribution to Intermediate demand index by industry and source - index points.
  • Table 9 Stage of Production: Contribution to Preliminary demand index by industry and source - index points.

The ABS will focus on enhancing industry indexes and expanding coverage of the PPIs to inform an economy wide view of producer price inflation, through:

  • Improved Industry level coverage.
  • Frequent re-weighting of PPI Indexes.

The ABS welcomes feedback on these changes to further the ongoing enhancements of Producer Price Indexes. For any questions or feedback relating to this change, please contact us at

The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to us.


Any discrepancies between totals and sums of components in this publication are due to rounding.

Use of price indexes in contracts

Price indexes published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provide summary measures of the movements in various categories of prices over time. They are published primarily for use in Government economic analysis. Price indexes are also often used in contracts by businesses and government to adjust payments and/or charges to take account of changes in categories of prices (Indexation Clauses).

Use of Price Indexes in Contracts sets out a range of issues that should be taken into account by parties considering including an Indexation Clause in a contract using an ABS published price index.

Additional information

The ABS has published the quarterly Producer Price Index for the Output of the Retail Trade Price Index (RTPI) from 25 February 2014. The RTPI is released as an additional update of the Producer Price Indexes, Australia publication (ABS cat. no. 6427.0). The RTPI will be released in electronic format as a data cube on the ABS website on 25 February 2020.

Quarterly changes to industries

Data downloads - time series spreadsheets

Table 1. Final demand, index numbers and percentage changes

Table 11. Input to the coal mining industry, index numbers and percentage changes

Table 12. Output of the manufacturing industries, division, subdivision, group and class index numbers

Table 13. Input to the manufacturing industries, division and selected industries, index numbers and percentage changes

Table 14. Input to the manufacturing industries, subdivision index numbers

Table 17. Output of the construction industries, subdivision and class index numbers

Data downloads - data cubes

Table 5 final demand: contribution to final demand index by industry - index points

Table 28 contribution to input to the manufacturing industries index, subdivision and index points

Table 29 contribution to output of the manufacturing industries index, group index points

Table 30 contribution to input to the house construction industry index, weighted average of six state capital cities, index points

Table 31 producer price index for the output of the retail trade industry, Australia, index numbers and percentage changes

25/02/2020 - Additional data cube. This data cube contains the Producer Price Index for the Output of the Retail Trade Industry, also known as the Retail Trade Price Index (RTPI). The RTPI is part of the stand-alone producer price indexes relating to specific industries within the Australian economy. Due to timing constraints, the RTPI is published after the release of the Producer Price Indexes, Australia (cat. no. 6427.0).

History of changes