Tourism Satellite Accounts: quarterly tourism labour statistics, Australia, experimental estimates

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Experimental estimates of quarterly tourism employment and jobs to help explain the impacts of COVID-19 on tourism activity

Reference period
March 2020

Key statistics

  • From March 2019 to March 2020 tourism filled jobs in Australia decreased by 3.0%.
  • This is compared to an increase of 1.7% in the whole economy.
  • The total number of tourism filled jobs at the end of March was 702,700.

Key findings

From March 2019 to March 2020:

  • tourism filled jobs in Australia decreased by 3.0% (-21,900) compared to an increase of 1.7% (+243,900) in the whole economy
  • the total number of tourism filled jobs at the end of March was 702,700
  • the fall in tourism filled jobs of 3.0% was the largest fall in the time series with commenced in September 2004

Movement in tourism filled jobs by tourism industry, original series

                                                                                          Percentage change (a)
 Dec-18 to Mar-19Mar-19 to Jun-19Jun-19 to Sep-19Sep-19 to Dec-19Dec-19 to Mar-20Mar-19 to Mar-20
Accommodation 2.3-
Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services -0.4-
Clubs, pubs, taverns and bars-0.56.1-4.24.2-7.6-2.2
Rail transport
Road transport and transport equipment rental-2.2-6.24.5-2.01.4-2.6
Air, water and other transport -2.8-
Travel agency and information centre services-1.76.6-1.4-3.3-2.6-0.9
Cultural services 10.5-
Casinos and other gambling services 2.54.9-2.30.0-2.40.0
Sports and recreation services-15.82.5-3.82.5-16.8-15.9
Retail trade -3.0-1.6-1.55.0-2.4-0.8
Education and training -1.95.2-0.5-1.1-1.71.8
All other industries0.
Tourism total-1.4-
Whole economy total-

a. Change on preceding quarter, except for the last column which shows the change between the current quarter and the corresponding quarter of the previous year.

Key COVID-19 dates:

  • 20 March: Australia's international borders close to all non-citizens and non-residents.
  • 21 March: Domestic travel restrictions begin. Tasmania first state to require people entering to self-isolate for 14 days from arrival.
  • 22 March: Prime Minister announces Stage 2 lock down changes, which are progressively implemented.
  • 30 March: Prime Minister announces JobKeeper program.


This new TSA publication contains experimental estimates of quarterly tourism labour statistics. The ABS welcomes comments and suggestions from users regarding this release. If you are interested in contributing, please contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070, or email

Tourism filled jobs by tourism industry

From the March 2019 quarter to the March 2020 quarter, the tourism industries with the largest changes in the number of filled jobs were:

  • Accommodation services: -11,600 filled jobs (-12.4%)
  • Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services: -4,700 filled jobs (-2.1%)
  • Sports and recreation services: -4,500 filled jobs (-15.9%)

Tourism filled jobs by industry, March quarter 2019 and March quarter 2020

Tourism filled jobs by industry, March quarter 2019 and March quarter 2020

Bar chart with 2 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying ('000). Data ranges from 2.7 to 224.6.
End of interactive chart.

Tourism filled jobs by status in employment

In the March quarter 2020:

  • full-time filled jobs decreased by 4.3% (-16,300) from March 2019
  • part-time filled jobs decreased by 1.7% (-5,800) from March 2019

Movement in tourism filled jobs by status in employment, year ending March 2019 to year ending March 2020 (percentage change)

Movement in tourism filled jobs by status in employment, year ending March 2019 to year ending March 2020 (percentage change)

Line chart with 2 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % change. Data ranges from -4.3 to 2.8.
End of interactive chart.

Tourism filled jobs by sex

In the March quarter 2020:

  • male filled jobs decreased by 4.2% (-13,900) from March 2019
  • female filled jobs decreased by 2.1% (-8,100) from March 2019

Movement in tourism filled jobs by sex, year ending March 2019 to year ending March 2020 (percentage change)

Movement in tourism filled jobs by sex, year ending March 2019 to year ending March 2020 (percentage change)

Line chart with 2 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % change. Data ranges from -4.2 to 4.1.
End of interactive chart.

Tourism filled jobs by sex by status in employment

In the March quarter 2020:

  • full-time male filled jobs showed the largest decrease of 5.4% (-9,700 filled jobs) when compared to March quarter 2019
  • while female part-time filled jobs showed the largest quarterly decline, it showed the smallest decrease in year on year terms

Tourism filled jobs by sex by status in employment

                                                                       Percentage change
                                Male                             Female
 Dec-19 to Mar-20Mar-19 to Mar-20Dec-19 to Mar-20Mar-19 to Mar-20

Data downloads

Tourism filled jobs

Tourism main jobs

Tourism employed persons

Comparison of annual tourism labour statistics

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 5249.0.55.005