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Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product

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Quarterly estimates of key economic flows in Australia, including gross domestic product (GDP), consumption, investment, income and saving

Reference period
December 2019

Key statistics

  • The Australian economy grew by 0.5% in seasonally adjusted chain volume terms.
  • Through the year GDP was up 2.2%.
  • The terms of trade fell 5.3%.
  • Household saving ratio decreased to 3.6%.

Main features

December key figures

  Seasonally adjusted, percentage change (a)
 Sep 18 to Dec 18Dec 18 to Mar 19Mar 19 to Jun 19Jun 19 to Sep 19Sep 19 to Dec 19Dec 18 to Dec 19
Chain volume GDP and related measures (b)     
 GDP per capita (c)-
 Gross value added market sector (d)-
 Real net national disposable income1.
 GDP per hour worked-0.4-0.30.5            -0.20.4
 Real unit labour costs            --
 GDP chain price index (original)
 Terms of trade2.
Current price measures      
 Household saving ratio3. na

na not available
a. Change on preceding quarter, except for the last column which shows the change between the current quarter and the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Excludes Household saving ratio.
b. Reference year for chain volume measures and real income measures is 2017-18.
c. Population estimates are as published in the Australian Demographic Statistics (cat. no. 3101.0) and ABS projections.
d. ANZSIC divisions A to N, R and S. See Glossary - Market sector.


Revisions in this issue

There are revisions in this issue due to the incorporation of more up-to-date data and concurrent seasonal adjustment.

Changes in this issue

This issue includes a print-friendly key tables section of headline economic indicators. For more information regarding these tables, please see the Information paper: New key tables for the presentation of the quarterly national accounts.

Bushfire activities

Impacts of recent bushfires and natural disasters around Australia have been closely monitored through the compilation and quality assurance of the national accounts. While impacts on economic activity are observable in isolated areas of the accounts, these are not apparent at an aggregate level. More impacts are expected from both the bushfires and COVID-19 in the March quarter. For more information please see the ABS Chief Economist Series paper Measuring natural disasters in the Australian economy.

Key tables

Show all


Australian economy grew by 0.5%

Australia's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 0.5% in the December quarter 2019, following a 0.6% rise in the September quarter (revised up 0.2 percentage points). The Australian economy grew 2.2% through the year.

Sales events support growth in household consumption

Household final consumption expenditure increased 0.4% in the quarter, with through the year growth up 1.2%. The quarterly rise in household consumption was driven by consumption of discretionary goods and services, which rose 0.5%, the largest increase since June 2018. Essential goods and services also contributed with a modest rise.

Dwelling investment continues to decline

Investment in new and used dwellings fell 4.1% in the quarter and 12.2% through the year, reflecting continued weakness in dwelling approvals. Both houses (-4.4%) and other residential dwellings (-3.3%) contributed to the decline this quarter.

Non-mining drives fall in private business investment

Non-mining business investment fell 3.6% with weakness in road, renewables and non-residential building projects. Mining business investment rose 5.0% this quarter and increased 3.2% through the year, the first rise since September 2017.

Commodity prices drive falls in the terms of trade

Falls in commodity prices this quarter resulted in a 5.3% decline in the terms of trade. Weak commodity prices reduced non-financial corporations gross operating surplus, which fell for the first time since June 2017.

Increased mining production drove gross value added (GVA)

Mining GVA rose 1.6%, driven by Coal Mining and Other Mining following maintenance activities in the September quarter 2019. Through the year Mining rose 7.3%.

Income tax payable drove fall in household saving ratio

The fall in gross disposable income resulted in the household saving ratio declining from 4.8% in the September quarter to 3.6% in the December quarter 2019. The fall in gross disposable income was driven by a 9.3% increase in tax payable following a strong decline with the introduction of the low and middle income tax offset last quarter.

Expenditure chain volume measures

 TrendSeasonally adjusted
 % Change% Change% points contribution to growth in GDP% Change% Change% points contribution to growth in GDP
 Sep 19 to Dec 19Dec 18 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19Dec 18 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19
Final consumption expenditure
 General government1.
 Total final consumption expenditure0.
Gross fixed capital formation
  Ownership transfer costs7.
  Non-dwelling construction-1.4-4.0-0.1-4.5-5.2-0.2
  Machinery and equipment-1.5-1.6-0.10.1-0.9-
  Cultivated biological resources-0.8-5.2--2.6-6.8-
  Intellectual property products2.08.0-2.07.8-
 Total gross fixed capital formation-0.3-1.9-0.1-1.0-1.8-0.2
Changes in inventoriesna na na na na0.2
Gross national expenditure0.
Exports of goods and services0.32.90.1-3.4-
Imports of goods and services-0.3-1.50.1-0.5-1.50.1
Statistical discrepancy (E)na na- na na0.1
Gross domestic product0.

 - nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
na not available


Final consumption expenditure (FCE) +0.5%

Household FCE increased 0.4%, this was driven by a:

  • 2.1% rise in clothing and footwear
  • 1.3% rise in furnishings and household equipment
  • 0.5% increase in recreation and culture

General government FCE also contributed to the increase with a rise of 0.7%, driven by a:

  • 2.4% increase in national non-defence expenditure

National defence government FCE partly offset the increase with a fall of 2.0% in the quarter.

Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) -1.0%

Private investment fell 1.1%, driven by a:

  • 4.5% decrease in non-dwelling construction
  • 3.4% decrease in dwellings

Ownership transfer costs grew strongly, up 12.3%, to partly offset the falls.

Public investment fell 0.4%, driven by a:

  • 8.6% decrease in public corporations

General government GFCF partly offset the fall, increasing 2.2%.

Changes in inventories

Total inventories increased $118m in seasonally adjusted terms following a decrease of $743m last quarter. The largest contributor to the increase was a:

  • $1,382m build up of Mining inventories

The increase was partly offset by falls in other industries:

  • $593m fall in Farm inventories
  • $536m fall in Retail trade inventories

Exports and imports of goods and services

    Exports of goods and services were flat. The main contributors were:

    • 1.1% increase in travel services
    • 2.8% increase in coal
    • 19.8% fall in non-monetary gold
    • 3.0% fall in other services

    Imports of goods and services fell 0.5%, driven by a:

    • 4.9% fall in other services
    • 0.8% fall in travel services
    • 49.6% fall in non-monetary gold

    Increases in imports of intermediate and capital goods partly offset the falls:

    • 6.6% increase in imports of fuels and lubricants
    • 14.8% increase in imports of automatic data processing equipment

    Income at current prices

     TrendSeasonally adjusted
     % Change% Change% points contribution to growth in GDP% Change% Change% points contribution to growth in GDP
     Sep 19 to Dec 19Dec 18 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19Dec 18 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19
    Compensation of employees1.
    Gross operating surplus      
     Private non-financial corporations0.38.10.1-2.36.3-0.5
    Gross mixed income-0.8-2.9-0.1-1.5-3.0-0.1
    Taxes less subsidies on production and imports0.33.2--1.61.9-0.2
    Statistical discrepancy (I)nana-nana-0.1
    Gross domestic product0.64.50.6-0.34.1-0.3

    - nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
    na not available
    a. Includes Public non-financial corporations Financial corporations General government and Dwellings owned by persons.


    Gross operating surplus (GOS) -1.1%

    Private non-financial corporations GOS declined 2.3%, driven by a:

    • fall in Mining, in line with falls in key commodity prices as reflected in the decline in the terms of trade
    • fall in Construction reflecting the slowdown in dwelling and non-dwelling construction

    Other sectors GOS rose 0.5%, this was driven by:

    • 1.4% rise in general government
    • 0.4% rise in financial corporations
    • 1.2% rise in public non-financial corporations

    Compensation of employees (COE) +1.0%

    Growth was recorded in sixteen of nineteen industries, driven by a:

    • 2.0% rise in Manufacturing, with increased food product manufacturing
    • 0.9% rise in Health Care and Social Assistance, due to continued demand for health services
    • 1.3% rise in Construction

    All states and territories recorded growth, except South Australia. The largest increases were a:

    • 3.4% rise in the Northern Territory
    • 2.4% rise in Tasmania

    Production chain volume measures

     TrendSeasonally adjusted
     % Change% Change% points contribution to growth in GDP% Change% Change% points contribution to growth in GDP
     Sep 19 to Dec 19Dec 18 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19Dec 18 to Dec 19Sep 19 to Dec 19
    Agriculture forestry and fishing-1.4-4.9-0.4-2.8-
    Electricity gas water and waste services-0.2-1.0-0.1-0.2-
    Wholesale trade-0.6-1.5--0.1-1.0-
    Retail trade0.1-0.1-0.2-0.1-
    Accommodation and food services0.62.5-0.12.4-
    Transport postal and warehousing0.60.9-
    Information media and telecommunications0.73.3-0.42.1-
    Financial and insurance services0.11.3-0.11.5-
    Rental hiring and real estate services1.43.1-
    Professional scientific and technical services0.
    Administrative and support services-0.12.6--0.92.5-
    Public administration and safety1.
    Education and training0.52.3-0.62.4-
    Health care and social assistance1.
    Arts and recreation services-0.12.4--0.42.2-
    Other services-2.2-1.13.2-
    Ownership of dwellings0.62.4-0.62.4-
    Taxes less subsidies on products0.30.4-0.40.6-
    Statistical discrepancy (P) nana-na na-
    Gross domestic product0.

    - nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
    na not available


    Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing +0.4%

    This increase was driven by:

    • falls in input costs
    • Increased slaughter rates of cattle and sheep as ongoing drought conditions continued to impact the industry

    Mining +1.6%

    This increase was driven by a:

    • 3.9% rise in Coal Mining reflecting increased production of hard and soft coking coal
    • 4.2% rise in Other Mining with copper and gold production levels returning to normal after maintenance last quarter

    Manufacturing +2.3%

    The increased production was driven by a:

    • 6.2% rise in Food, Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing as manufacturers experienced ongoing international demand for Australian meat products (Meat exports +2.9%)
    • 4.0% rise in Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing

    Construction -2.3%

    The decline was driven by a:

    • 3.4% fall in Building Construction, reflecting weaknesses in both residential and non-residential building construction
    • 1.7% decline in Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction due to a slowdown in non-dwelling construction
    • 2.0% fall in Construction Services

    Transport, Postal and Warehousing +2.0%

    Production was driven by a:

    • 3.1% rise in Transport, Postal and Storage Services with support, warehousing & storage services increasing
    • 1.7% increase in Road Transport due to increased livestock freight, reflecting increased livestock production and meat exports
    • 1.2% rise in Air and Space from increased domestic travel

    Information Media and Telecommunications +0.4%

    Telecommunication Services rose 1.0% , reflecting increased household expenditure on telecommunication services. This was partly offset by information and media services, which fell 0.3% due to a reduction in publishing, motion picture and sound recording activities.

    Financial and Insurance Services +0.1%

          Other Financial and Insurance Services rose 0.6% due to continued growth in superannuation services. This was partly offset by a 0.1% fall in Finance, driven by weak loan and deposit balances.

          Professional, Scientific and Technical Services +0.1%

          Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services rose 0.5% due to engineering design for the mining industry and public transport infrastructure. This was partly offset by Computer System Design and Related Services, which fell 1.0%.

          Health Care and Social Assistance +1.7%

          The rise is driven by continued strength in public and private health. The industry remains strong through the year, with growth of 8.3%.

          State final demand chain volume measures

           Seasonally adjusted, % change from Sep 19 to Dec 19
          Final consumption expenditure         
           General government1.
          Gross fixed capital formation         
          State final demand0.5-0.10.2-0.2-0.2-

          - nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
          a. Australia estimates relate to Domestic final demand.


          State final demand, quarterly volume measures: seasonally adjusted

          Image of Australia showing the state final demand, quarterly volume measures: seasonally adjusted, the data displayed in the image is detailed below.
          The image is a map of Australia by state/territory showing quarterly volume measures; New South Wales' state final demand increased 0.5% for the quarter. Victoria's state final demand decreased 0.1% for the quarter. Queensland's state final demand increased 0.2% for the quarter. South Australia's state final demand decreased 0.2% for the quarter. Western Australia's state final demand decreased 0.2% for the quarter. Tasmania's state final demand decreased 1.0% for the quarter. Northern Territory's state final demand increased 0.3% for the quarter. Australian Capital Territory's state final demand increased 0.8% for the quarter.

          New South Wales +0.5%

          Total final consumption expenditure increased 0.5%, driven by a:

          • 1.4% increase in total government consumption with increased expenditure on supporting new transport infrastructure and education by state and local government
          • 0.2% increase in household consumption with modest growth in both discretionary and essential spending

          Public gross fixed capital formation increased 1.3%, driven by a:

          • 1.5% rise in total general government
          • 0.7% rise in total public corporations

          Private gross fixed capital formation also contributed to the rise, increasing 0.1%, driven by a:

          • 7.9% rise in total machinery and equipment
          • 10.6% rise in ownership transfer costs
          • 2.3% fall in dwelling investment and a 7.0% fall in non-dwelling construction partly offset the growth


          Victoria -0.1%

          Private gross fixed capital formation decreased 1.3%, driven by a:

          • 9.3% fall in total machinery and equipment
          • 5.4% fall in total non-dwelling construction reflecting slowed work on large scale road projects

          Public gross fixed capital formation decreased 3.9%, driven by a:

          • 5.4% fall in state and local general government investment in road infrastructure
          • 10.0% decrease in commonwealth public non-financial corporations

          Total final consumption expenditure partly offset investment decreases, driven by a:

          • 0.5% rise in household consumption with increased discretionary spending
          • 2.5% increase in national government consumption

          Queensland +0.2%

          Total final consumption expenditure increased 0.8%, driven by a:

          • 0.6% rise in household consumption expenditure in line with increased discretionary spending
          • 1.4% rise in government consumption expenditure driven by increased state and local support for health and education services

          Public gross fixed capital formation increased 1.6%, driven by a:

          • 7.8% increase in state and local public non-financial corporations investment on transport projects
          • 1.8% increase in state and local general government investment on infrastructure

          Private gross fixed capital formation decreased 2.9%, driven by a:

          • 10.1% fall in dwelling investment
          • 3.8% fall in purchases of machinery and equipment

            South Australia -0.2%

            Public gross fixed capital formation decreased 6.0%, driven by a:

            • 1.0% fall in commonwealth public non-financial corporations
            • fall in state and local public non-financial corporations which was impacted by the sale of second hand assets to the state and local general government

            Private gross fixed capital formation decreased 1.6%, driven by a:

            • 12.2% fall in non-dwelling construction as projects neared completion

            Total final consumption expenditure increased 0.5%, driven by a:

            • 3.0% rise in national government consumption
            • 0.1% rise in household consumption expenditure with an increase in essential spending partly offset by a decrease in discretionary spending

            Western Australia -0.2%

            Private gross fixed capital formation decreased 1.1%, driven by a:

            • 6.4% fall in dwelling investment, reflecting continued weakness with four consecutive falls
            • 1.0% fall in machinery and equipment, levels of investment remain elevated

            Public gross fixed capital formation decreased 1.6%, driven by a:

            • 7.1% fall in state and local public non-financial corporations
            • 9.6% fall in commonwealth public non-financial corporations

            Total final consumption expenditure increased 0.2%, driven by a:

            • 0.5% increase in household consumption with strengthened discretionary spending
            • 0.7% increase in national government consumption

            Tasmania -1.0%

                  Private gross fixed capital formation decreased 8.7%, driven by a:

                  • 18.6% fall in non-dwelling construction reflecting reduced work on renewable energy and accommodation projects
                  • 6.9% fall in dwelling investment driven by a fall in alterations and additions

                  Public gross fixed capital formation decreased 8.2%, driven by a:

                  • 5.3% fall in state and local public non-financial corporations
                  • 10.1% fall in commonwealth public non-financial corporations

                  Total final consumption expenditure increased 0.8%, driven by a:

                  • 0.7% rise in household consumption driven by increased discretionary and essential spending
                  • 2.8% increase in national government consumption

                  Northern Territory +0.3%

                  Public gross fixed capital formation increased 7.8%, driven by a:

                  • 9.1% rise in state and local general government with increased spending on infrastructure projects
                  • 9.8% rise in national general government

                  Private gross fixed capital formation increased 1.3%, driven by a:

                  • 13.9% rise intellectual property products with increased petroleum exploration
                  • 2.1% rise in total machinery and equipment

                  Total final consumption expenditure decreased 0.5%, driven by a:

                  • 2.3% fall in state and local general government

                  Australian Capital Territory +0.8%

                    Private gross fixed capital formation increased 5.4%, driven by a:

                    • 62.1% rise in machinery and equipment with purchases of computer equipment
                    • 8.1% rise in dwelling investment with strength in other residential dwellings

                    Public gross fixed capital formation increased 8.7%, driven by a:

                    • 11.5% rise in national general government
                    • 5.3% rise in state and local general government with continued investment in education and health infrastructure

                    Total final consumption expenditure decreased 0.4%, driven by a:

                    • 1.5% decrease in national government consumption with reduced expenditure by the Commonwealth public service

                    Recent and upcoming releases

                    ABS Chief Economist series: Measuring natural disasters in the Australian economy

                    A Chief Economist Series paper titled Measuring natural disasters in the Australian economy was released on 3 March 2020.

                    Australian System of National Accounts (cat. no. 5204.0)

                    The 2018-19 issue of the Australian System of National Accounts was released on 25 October 2019. This publication provides detailed, annual estimates of Australia's national accounts. These include expenditure, income and production estimates of gross domestic product (GDP), productivity estimates, sectorial accounts (for households, financial and non-financial corporations, general government and the rest of the world), and additional aggregates dissected by industry.

                    Read more

                    Data downloads

                    Table 1. Key national accounts aggregates

                    Table 2. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), chain volume measures

                    Table 3. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), current prices

                    Table 4. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), chain price indexes

                    Table 5. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), implicit price deflators

                    Table 6. Gross value added by industry, chain volume measures

                    Table 7. Income from Gross Domestic Product (GDP), current prices

                    Table 8. Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HFCE)

                    Table 9. Changes in inventories

                    Table 10. Agricultural income, current prices

                    Table 11. National income account, current prices

                    Table 12. National capital account, current prices

                    Table 13. Non-financial corporations income account, current prices

                    Table 14. Private non-financial corporations income account, current prices

                    Table 15. Public non-financial corporations income account, current prices

                    Table 16. Financial corporations income account, current prices

                    Table 17. General government income account, current prices

                    Table 18. National general government income account, current prices

                    Table 19. State and local general government income account, current prices

                    Table 20. Household income account, current prices

                    Table 21. External account, current prices

                    Table 22. Taxes, current prices

                    Table 23. Social assistance benefits payments, current prices

                    Table 24. Selected analytical series

                    Table 25. State final demand, summary components by state: chain volume measures

                    Table 26. State final demand, detailed components: New South Wales

                    Table 27. State final demand, detailed components: Victoria

                    Table 28. State final demand, detailed components: Queensland

                    Table 29. State final demand, etailed components: South Australia

                    Table 30. State final demand, detailed components: Western Australia

                    Table 31. State final demand, detailed components: Tasmania

                    Table 32. State final demand, detailed components: Northern Territory

                    Table 33. State final demand, detailed components: Australian Capital Territory

                    Table 34. Key aggregates and analytical series, annual

                    Table 35. Income from GDP and changes in inventories, annual

                    Table 36. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), chain volume measures and current prices, annual

                    Table 37. Industry gross value added, chain volume measures, annual

                    Table 38. National income account, current prices, annual

                    Table 39. National capital account, current prices, annual

                    Table 40. External account, current prices, annual

                    Table 41. Indexes of industrial production

                    Table 42. Unit labour costs

                    Table 43. Indexes of industrial production, annual

                    Table 44. Compensation of employees, state by sector: current prices

                    Table 45. Gross value added by industry, current prices

                    All time series workbooks

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