Key figures (a)
Mar Qtr 2021 ($m) | Jun Qtr 2021 ($m) | |
Balance on current account (b) | 18,922 | 20,461 |
Balance on goods and services (b) | 25,433 | 28,902 |
Net primary income (b) | -6,244 | -7,377 |
Capital and financial account | -14,812 | -24,448 |
International investment position (c) | 914,959 | 885,123 |
(a) Trend series is not published from June Quarter 2019
(b) Seasonally adjusted
(c) Levels at end of period
Current account balance (a), main aggregates
Current account balance (a), main aggregates
Current account balance ($b) | Net goods & services ($b) | Net primary income ($b) | |
Jun-17 | -11.2 | 2.8 | -13.5 |
Sep-17 | -12.8 | 1.3 | -13.8 |
Dec-17 | -15.7 | -1.2 | -14.3 |
Mar-18 | -10.6 | 3.7 | -14.2 |
Jun-18 | -12.6 | 3.3 | -15.7 |
Sep-18 | -10.0 | 6.5 | -16.2 |
Dec-18 | -6.5 | 9.3 | -15.6 |
Mar-19 | -2.6 | 13.6 | -15.8 |
Jun-19 | 4.7 | 19.2 | -14.6 |
Sep-19 | 8.2 | 21.9 | -13.3 |
Dec-19 | 3.9 | 16.1 | -11.8 |
Mar-20 | 7.3 | 17.7 | -10.1 |
Jun-20 | 16.5 | 21.6 | -4.7 |
Sep-20 | 11.3 | 14.6 | -2.9 |
Dec-20 | 17.3 | 19.7 | -1.8 |
Mar-21 | 18.9 | 25.4 | -6.2 |
Jun-21 | 20.5 | 28.9 | -7.4 |
Current account balance (a), main aggregates
["","Current account balance","Net goods & services","Net primary income"]
(a) Seasonally adjusted estimates at current prices.
International investment position
International investment position
Net IIP ($b) | Net Foreign Equity ($b) | Net Foreign Debt ($b) | |
Jun-17 | 961.5 | -39.8 | 1,001.3 |
Sep-17 | 968.6 | -56.2 | 1,024.9 |
Dec-17 | 1,003.1 | -52.9 | 1,056.0 |
Mar-18 | 968.9 | -92.1 | 1,061.1 |
Jun-18 | 1,002.2 | -82.0 | 1,084.2 |
Sep-18 | 988.4 | -106.3 | 1,094.6 |
Dec-18 | 1,029.7 | -103.8 | 1,133.5 |
Mar-19 | 1,019.9 | -127.6 | 1,147.5 |
Jun-19 | 1,032.4 | -142.0 | 1,174.4 |
Sep-19 | 1,020.1 | -175.8 | 1,195.9 |
Dec-19 | 947.6 | -229.6 | 1,177.2 |
Mar-20 | 882.9 | -312.5 | 1,195.4 |
Jun-20 | 965.3 | -168.1 | 1,133.4 |
Sep-20 | 976.9 | -205.1 | 1,182.0 |
Dec-20 | 981.9 | -201.1 | 1,183.0 |
Mar-21 | 915.0 | -248.8 | 1,163.8 |
Jun-21 | 885.1 | -301.2 | 1,186.4 |
International investment position
["","Net IIP","Net Foreign Equity","Net Foreign Debt"]
COVID-19 in this publication
Suspension of trend estimates
The trend series attempts to measure underlying behaviour of international trade activity. In the short term, this measurement will be significantly affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent changes to regular patterns in international trade that will occur during this time. If the trend estimates in this publication were to be calculated without fully accounting for this unusual event, they would provide a misleading view of underlying international trade activity.
It may be some time before the underlying trend in international trade activity can be accurately estimated. The trend series has therefore been suspended from June quarter 2019 and will be reinstated when more certainty emerges in the underlying trend in international trade.
Seasonal adjustment and COVID-19
International Accounts uses the concurrent seasonal adjustment method, meaning that seasonal factors are re-estimated each time new data becomes available. If not appropriately accounted for, unusual events, such as COVID-19, can distort estimates calculated using this method. From March quarter 2020, seasonal factors for series that have been notably impacted by COVID-19 will be calculated using data up to and including December quarter 2019, then projected from March quarter 2020 onwards. This approach, known as the forward factor method, ensures that the seasonal factors are not distorted by COVID-19 impacts.
The ABS has advised users that it had moved to using forward factors for seasonal analysis of a number of series, including Travel Services. Current ABS (and international practice) requires at least three years of data to assess whether a change in the seasonal pattern has occurred. Should COVID-19 result in a long-term change to the seasonal pattern then revisions to these series may occur in the future. The ABS will consult with users on any future methods changes to seasonal adjustment and potential revisions.
For more information on interpreting seasonally adjusted estimates of International travel services please see the May 2020 feature article International Travel Services time series which outlines the matter in greater detail.
Changes in forthcoming issues
Annual seasonal re-analysis
The seasonally adjusted and trend estimates of goods, services, primary income and secondary income will be revised in the September quarter 2021 issue of this publication as a result of the annual seasonal re-analysis. This re-analysis reviews the seasonal and trading day factors in more detail than is possible in the quarterly processing cycle and assesses the appropriateness of any prior corrections.
New base year and re-referencing of chain volume estimates and implicit price deflators
A new base year 2019-20 will be introduced into chain volume estimates and implicit price deflators in the September quarter 2021 issue. As a result, the chain volume estimate series and implicit price deflators series will be re-referenced to 2019-20.
Upcoming changes to the September quarter 2021 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia
Upcoming changes to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publication, Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia. From September quarter 2021, the ABS will implement Economic and Financial Statistics Collection (EFS) for derivative asset and liability activity.
The Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) collects data from the financial sector (Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) and Registered Financial Corporations (RFCs) on behalf of the ABS and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). Over the past few years, APRA, the ABS, the RBA, and the financial sector have been working together to modernise the data collection and develop a new set of forms and related guidance called the EFS collection. The fourth and final phase of the EFS collection collects data on derivative activity.
What’s changing?
From the September quarter 2021 reference period, derivative liability and derivative asset data will no longer be reported by banks to the ABS via the Survey of International Investment. Derivatives data for banks will be collected by APRA on behalf of the ABS. The aggregated data will be used in the quarterly ABS Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics.
Enhanced data quality
The derivatives data received via APRA through the EFS collection will enhance data quality for the ABS Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics. For example, it provides:
- enhanced reporting guidance for financial institutions on derivatives data
- updated definitions to align with international standards for compiling economic statistics
The enhanced derivatives data in the quarterly ABS Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics may require backcasting using approved ABS methodological techniques. This will be implemented from the September 2021 reference period. The ABS will consult users prior to implementing any backcasting and will publish a note before publication.
The derivatives data will appear in several estimates in the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia publication (see Table 1).
Table 1: Tables in the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia incorporating APRA derivatives data
Table no. | Title of table |
1 | Balance of payments, summary: original - quarter |
2 | International investment position: by net foreign equity and net foreign debt - quarter |
3 | Foreign assets and liabilities: by equity and debt - quarter |
13 | Financial account - quarter |
14 | International investment: foreign assets - quarter |
15 | International investment: foreign liabilities - quarter |
16 | Foreign debt levels - quarter |
17 | Gross external debt liabilities: levels - quarter |
18 | Currency and residual maturity of foreign debt - quarter |
20 | Foreign assets and liabilities by industry - quarter |
23 | Selected international accounts ratios: seasonally adjusted - quarter |
27 | International investment: directional principle - quarter |
28 | Summary of revisions - quarter |
29 | International investment position: historical summary - quarter |
30 | Balance of payments, summary: original – financial year |