Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia

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Balance of payments statistics on current, capital and financial transactions and the international investment position statement

Reference period
June 2021

Key statistics

  • The current account surplus, seasonally adjusted, rose $1,539m to $20,461m.
  • The capital and financial account deficit rose $9,636m to $24,448m.
  • Australia’s net IIP liability position was $885.1b at 30 June 2021.

Main features

Key figures (a)

Key figures (a)
 Mar Qtr 2021 ($m)Jun Qtr 2021 ($m)
Balance on current account (b)18,92220,461
Balance on goods and services (b)25,43328,902
Net primary income (b)-6,244-7,377
Capital and financial account-14,812-24,448
International investment position (c)914,959885,123

(a) Trend series is not published from June Quarter 2019
(b) Seasonally adjusted
(c) Levels at end of period

Current account balance (a), main aggregates

Current account balance (a), main aggregates

Line chart with 3 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $billion. Data ranges from -16.216 to 28.902.
End of interactive chart.

(a) Seasonally adjusted estimates at current prices.

International investment position

International investment position

Line chart with 3 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $billion. Data ranges from -312.5 to 1195.925.
End of interactive chart.

Current Account

Balance on current account in current prices, seasonally adjusted (a) - June quarter 2021

Balance on current account in current prices, seasonally adjusted (a) - June quarter 2021
   Current prices ($m)Current prices changes ($m)
Balance on current account20,4611,539
Balance on goods and services28,9023,469
Net goods27,2054,465
Net Services1,696-996
Net primary income-7,377-1,133
Net secondary income-1,063-797

(a) For sign conventions, see the Concepts section in the Explanatory notes in the Methodology.

Balance on goods and services

In seasonally adjusted chain volume terms, the balance on goods and services was a surplus of $5,164m, a fall of $4,866m on the March quarter 2021 surplus of $10,030m.

Assuming no significant revision to March quarter 2021 estimates of Gross Domestic Product, the balance on goods and services is expected to detract 1.0 percentage points from the June quarter 2021 GDP.

Goods and services, chain volume measures (a)

Goods and services, chain volume measures (a)

Line chart with 3 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $million. Data ranges from -9002 to 22122.
End of interactive chart.

(a) Seasonally adjusted, reference year 2018-19.

Exports of goods (credits)

In seasonally adjusted terms at current prices, goods credits rose $6,915m (7%) to $111,108m, with volumes down 4% and prices up 11%.

Goods credits, price and volume change - seasonally adjusted - June quarter 2021

Goods credits, price and volume change - seasonally adjusted - June quarter 2021
  Current prices ($m)Current prices (%)Chain volume measures (a) (%)Implicit price deflators (a)(b)(%)
Exports of goods6,9156.6-3.610.7
 Rural goods8386.81.84.9
 Non-rural goods7,9849.5-2.812.7
 Net exports of goods under merchanting-39-26.0-37.016.4
 Non-monetary gold-1,868-24.6-25.71.5

(a) Reference year 2018-19 = 100
(b) Movements in indexes are based on data to four decimal places

Imports of goods (debits)

In seasonally adjusted terms at current prices, goods debits rose $2,451m (3%) to $83,903m, with volumes up 2% and prices up 1%.

Goods debits, price and volume change - seasonally adjusted - June quarter 2021

Goods debits, price and volume change - seasonally adjusted - June quarter 2021
  Current prices ($m)Current prices (%)Chain volume measures (a) (%)Implicit price deflators (a)(b)(%)
Total Goods Imports2,4513.01.81.3
 Consumption goods-69-0.2-0.1-0.1
 Capital goods4292.22.2-0.1
 Intermediate and other merchandise goods1,9966.63.13.3
 Non-monetary gold965.13.51.5

(a) Reference year 2018-19 = 100
(b) Movements in indexes are based on data to four decimal places


Services exports, price and volume change - seasonally adjusted - June quarter 2021

Services exports, price and volume change - seasonally adjusted - June quarter 2021
  Current prices ($m)Current prices (%)Chain volume measures (a) (%)Implicit price deflators (a)(b)(%)
Exports of services48--1
 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others0---
 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.-3-21-21-
 Other services-158-2-2-

- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
(a) Reference year 2018-19 = 100
(b) Movements in indexes are based on data to four decimal places

Services imports, price and volume change - seasonally adjusted - June quarter 2021

Services imports, price and volume change - seasonally adjusted - June quarter 2021
  Current prices ($m)Current prices (%)Chain volume measures (a) (%)Implicit price deflators (a)(b)(%)
Imports of services1,0439-9
 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others0---
 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.11-22
 Other services1422-2

- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
(a) Reference year 2018-19 = 100
(b) Movements in indexes are based on data to four decimal places


Primary income deficit widened by $1,133m to $7,377m in the June quarter 2021.

Net primary income

Net primary income

Line chart with 2 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $billion. Data ranges from -16.216 to -1.831.
End of interactive chart.

Capital and Financial Account

The capital and financial account recorded a deficit of $24.5b during the June 2021 quarter, mainly driven by the financial account deficit of $24.2b. 

The financial account deficit was due to a net outflow of equity of $24.5b and a net inflow of debt of $268m.

Capital and financial account

Capital and financial account
 Sep-20Dec-20Mar-21Jun-21Qtr on Qtr
Capital account-165-156-182-218-36
Acquisitions/disposals of non-produced non-financial assets02460-6
Acquisitions/disposals of non-produced non-financial assets credits02960-6
Acquisitions/disposals of non-produced non-financial assets debits0-5000
Capital transfers-165-180-188-218-30
Capital transfers credits00000
Capital transfers debits-165-180-188-218-30
Financial account-6,106-12,135-14,630-24,230-9,600
Direct investment-5,8851,3569,0985,496-3,602
Direct investment assets-10,124-2,4915,2032,859-2,344
Direct investment liabilities4,2393,8473,8952,637-1,258
Portfolio investment14,726-11,707-32,177-27,9024,275
Portfolio investment assets-40,977-73,659-14,150-45,004-30,854
Portfolio investment liabilities55,70361,952-18,02717,10235,129
Financial derivatives-7,674-10,7341,437-2,182-3,619
Financial derivatives assets50,02626,73665,66221,888-43,774
Financial derivatives liabilities-57,699-37,470-64,225-24,07040,155
Other investment-7,0318,16912,478-395-12,873
Other investment assets15,48425,217-3,283-6,896-3,163
Other investment liabilities-22,515-17,04815,7616,501-9,260
Reserve assets-242781-5,4657546,219
Net errors and omissions-2,211-2,790-3,287-1,8991,388

International Investment Position

Australia's net IIP liability position was $885.1b at 31 June 2021, a decrease of $29.8b on the revised 31 March 2021 figure of $915.0b. Australia's net foreign debt liability position increased $22.6b to $1,186.4b. Australia's net foreign equity asset position increased $52.4b to $301.2b at 31 June 2021.

International investment position, by net foreign equity and net foreign debt

International investment position, by net foreign equity and net foreign debt
  Position at beginning of periodTransactionsPrice changesExchange rate changesOther adjustmentsPosition at end of period
Net International Investment PositionDec-20976,906-12,135-30,82248,111-144981,916
Net International Investment PositionMar-21981,916-14,630-53,056881-152914,959
Net International Investment PositionJun-21914,959-24,23010,669-16,125-150885,123
Net Foreign EquityDec-20-205,106-35,286-31,71272,273-1,236-201,068
Net Foreign EquityMar-21-201,068-22,828-21,410-4,114605-248,815
Net Foreign EquityJun-21-248,815-24,498-5189-22,568-163-301,233
Net Foreign DebtDec-201,182,01223,152890-24,1621,0921,182,984
Net Foreign DebtMar-211,182,9848,198-31,6464,995-7571,163,774
Net Foreign DebtJun-211,163,77426815,8586,443121,186,356

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Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 5302.0.