Government Finance Statistics, Australia

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Statistics about finances of the general government and public non-financial corporations sectors for the various levels of government in Australia

Reference period
September 2024

Key statistics

In September quarter 2024:

  • general government net operating balance fell $32.7b to -$18.3b, since June quarter 2024
  • taxation revenue declined 17.3% to $187.7b, since June quarter 2024
  • general government borrowing was $30.2b
  • total public demand is expected to contribute 0.7ppt to the quarterly change in GDP

Unless indicated, all Government Finance Statistics figures presented in this publication are current prices, original series.

Government Finance Statistics measures

 Dec Qtr 2023Mar Qtr 2024Jun Qtr 2024Sep Qtr 2024Jun Qtr 2024 to
Sep Qtr 2024
($m)($m)($m)($m)(% change)
Taxation revenue 
 General government201,687193,046226,854187,666-17.3%
Total revenue 
 General government239,376237,110270,282232,284-14.1%
 Public non-financial corporations26,75928,49032,17329,951-6.9%
Total expenses 
 General government235,948232,269255,846250,568-2.1%
 Public non-financial corporations26,98128,15631,02829,437-5.1%
GFS Net Operating Balance 
 General government3,4284,84114,436-18,284na
 Public non-financial corporations-2223341,145514na
GFS Net Lending (+)/Borrowing (-) 
 General government-11,638-7,388-6,296-30,242na
 Public non-financial corporations-7,063-4,190-7,289-6,834na

na indicates this value not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated

National accounts public sector measures

The table below includes the key public sector aggregates for September quarter 2024 which will be included in the Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product release. The key figures shown include Total Public Demand, Government Final Consumption Expenditure for total general government and Gross Fixed Capital Formation for total general government and total public corporations, seasonally adjusted in current prices and chain volume terms.

The following are the seasonally adjusted chain volume measures based on the previous quarter (a):

  • public sector demand is expected to contribute 0.7 percentage points to the change in GDP in September quarter 2024
  • general government final consumption expenditure rose $2,020m (up 1.4%) and is expected to contribute 0.3 percentage points to the change in GDP in September quarter 2024
  • general government gross fixed capital formation rose $1,486m (up 6.0%)
  • public corporations gross fixed capital formation rose $715m (up 7.2%)
  • total public gross fixed capital formation rose $2,202m (up 6.3%) and is expected to contribute 0.4 percentage points to the change in GDP in September quarter 2024
  1. Contributions may not be additive due to rounding
Quarterly national accounts public sector measures, current prices, seasonally adjusted
 Dec Qtr 2023
Mar Qtr 2024
Jun Qtr 2024
Sep Qtr 2024
Jun Qtr 2024 to
Sep Qtr 2024
(% change)
General government final consumption expenditure (a) 
 National-defence12,062 12,288 12,205 12,138 -0.5
 National-non-defence56,414 58,140 60,319 61,200 1.5
 Total national68,476 70,428 72,524 73,338 1.1
 State and local78,452 79,393 80,800 83,222 3.0
 Total general government final consumption expenditure146,929 149,821 153,324 156,560 2.1
Public gross fixed capital formation 
 General government 
  National-defence2,853 3,208 3,317 4,443 34.0
  National-non-defence2,865 2,918 2,843 3,044 7.1
  Total national5,718 6,126 6,159 7,487 21.6
  State and local20,668 20,535 20,253 20,612 1.8
  Total general government26,386 26,661 26,412 28,099 6.4
 Public corporations  
  Commonwealth2,750 2,768 2,656 2,741 3.2
  State and local7,667 7,455 7,714 8,433 9.3
  Total public corporations10,417 10,223 10,370 11,174 7.8
 Total public gross fixed capital formation36,804 36,884 36,782 39,273 6.8
Total public demand183,733 186,705 190,106 195,833 3.0
Memorandum item 
 Net purchases of second hand assets by public sector990 896 834 1,279 53.4
 Public authorities changes in inventories (b)390 170 1,217 1,013 na

na not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated

  1. See explanatory notes for the relationship between general government final consumption expenditure and GFS aggregates Government Finance Statistics, Australia methodology, September 2024.
  2. Includes general government, public non-financial corporations and public financial corporations



Quarterly national accounts public sector measures, chain volume (a), seasonally adjusted
 Dec Qtr 2023
Mar Qtr 2024
Jun Qtr 2024
Sep Qtr 2024
Jun Qtr 2024 to
Sep Qtr 2024
(% change)
General government final consumption expenditure (b) 
 National-defence11,613 11,676 11,478 11,320 -1.4
 National-non-defence53,831 54,963 56,488 57,001 0.9
 Total national65,444 66,639 67,967 68,321 0.5
 State and local75,183 75,743 76,405 78,071 2.2
 Total general government final consumption expenditure140,627 142,382 144,372 146,392 1.4
Public gross fixed capital formation 
 General government 
  National-defence2,714 3,031 3,130 4,224 35.0
  National-non-defence2,784 2,824 2,738 2,927 6.9
  Total national5,498 5,855 5,868 7,151 21.9
  State and local19,819 19,421 18,965 19,168 1.1
  Total general government25,317 25,276 24,833 26,319 6.0
 Public corporations  
  Commonwealth2,674 2,661 2,540 2,612 2.8
  State and local7,436 7,142 7,328 7,971 8.8
  Total public corporations10,110 9,802 9,868 10,583 7.2
 Total public gross fixed capital formation35,427 35,079 34,701 36,903 6.3
Total public demand176,054 177,461 179,072 183,294 2.4
Memorandum item 
 Net purchases of second hand assets by public sector945 838 768 1,173 52.6
 Public authorities changes in inventories (c)1,245 -502 735 1,302 na

na not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated

  1. Reference year for chain volume measures is 2022-23
  2. See explanatory notes for the relationship between general government final consumption expenditure and GFS aggregates Government Finance Statistics, Australia methodology, September 2024.
  3. Includes general government, public non-financial corporations and public financial corporations



Public demand contribution to GDP growth

  1. Chain volume measures seasonally adjusted
  2. using the GDP series as published in the June 2024 release of Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product

Classification of government policies in Government Finance Statistics

The ABS continues to determine the appropriate classification for new government policies. These classifications are based on well-established conceptual frameworks (a), which ensure consistent recording of these policies across macroeconomic statistics, particularly in relation to Government Finance Statistics and the National Accounts.

The classification of government policies impacting the September quarter 2024 is summarised in the table below.

  1. These frameworks are supported by international standards such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014) and the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA)
Key policiesPolicy detailsClassification in Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and National Accounts (NA) (a)
Provision of assistance to households, corporations, unincorporated enterprises, and non-profit institutions
National Energy Price ReliefA total of $3.5 billion of electricity relief for Australian households and eligible small businesses for 2024-25 year.

GFS: Social benefits to households in goods and services (b); 
other subsidies on production (c)

NA: GDP (E) - Government final consumption expenditure;
GDP (I) - Other subsidies on production

NSW Expanded Energy Social ProgramThe expanded Energy Social Program, totalling $435.4 million for the 2024-25 
year, aims to support up to 1 million NSW households with energy bill relief.

GFS: Social benefits to households in goods and services

NA: GDP (E) - Government final consumption expenditure

QLD Electricity Bill Rebate

Eligible households will receive $1000 and eligible small businesses will receive
$325 off their electricity bills in the 2024-25 year.


GFS: Social benefits to households in goods and services; 
other subsidies on production

NA: GDP (E) - Government final consumption expenditure; 
GDP (I) - Other subsidies on production

WA Electricity credit for householdsEligible households and small businesses will receive an electricity credit of $400 
from the WA Government in the 2024-25 year.

GFS: Social benefits to households in goods and services; 
other subsidies on production

NA: GDP (E) - Government final consumption expenditure; 
GDP (I) - Other subsidies on production

TAS Supercharged Renewable Energy Dividend ProgramThe Supercharged Renewable Energy Dividend program provides a one-time
payment of $250 for residential households and $300 for small businesses
that get their electricity supply through an embedded network in Tasmania.

GFS: Social benefits to households in goods and services; 
other subsidies on production

NA: GDP (E) - Government final consumption expenditure; 
GDP (I) - Other subsidies on production

Increased public sector spending
Public sector wage increasesVarious new wage increase offers for state and local governments as part of
the enterprise agreement negotiations.

GFS: Wages, salaries, and supplements (d)

NA: GDP (E) - Government final consumption expenditure; 
GDP(I) – Compensation of employees

QLD public transport 50cent fareThe public transport fares are reduced to a flat fare of 50 cents per trip across
QLD from 5 August 2024 for 6 months. In addition to this initiative, the 
government is also providing half-price tickets on AirTrain services.

GFS: Sales of goods and services

NA: GDP (E) - Government final consumption expenditure

  1. NA includes the gross domestic product (GDP) accounts, which are measured using the expenditure approach (GDP (E)), the income approach (GDP (I)) or the production approach (GDP (P)). NA also includes income accounts, capital accounts, financial accounts, and balance sheet.
  2. Social benefits to households in goods and services is a sub-component in Non-Employee Expenses
  3. Other subsidies on production is a sub-component of Subsidy Expenses
  4. Wages, salaries, and supplements is a sub-component of Employee Expenses


Revisions and changes


Divergences with government fiscal reporting

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Government Finance Statistics, Australia

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