Government Finance Statistics, Australia

Latest release

Statistics about finances of the general government and public non-financial corporations sectors for the various levels of government in Australia

Reference period
June 2024
  • Next Release 3/12/2024
    Government Finance Statistics, Australia, September 2024
  • Next Release 4/03/2025
    Government Finance Statistics, Australia, December 2024
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Key statistics

In June quarter 2024:

  • general government net operating balance rose $10.5b to $15.0b, since March quarter 2024
  • taxation revenue rose 17.5% to $226.8b, since March quarter 2024
  • general government borrowing was $7.1b
  • total public demand is expected to contribute 0.4 ppt to the quarterly change in GDP

Unless indicated, all Government Finance Statistics figures presented in this publication are current prices, original series.

Included in this publication is an Insights into Government Finance Statistics, June 2024, which examines the key stories and economic narratives of the June quarter 2024 Government Finance Statistics data.

Government Finance Statistics measures

Government finance statistics fiscal measures
 Sep Qtr 2023Dec Qtr 2023Mar Qtr 2024Jun Qtr 2024Mar Qtr 2024 to
Jun Qtr 2024
$m$m$m$m% change
Taxation revenue 
 General government178,063201,645193,036226,79317.5%
Total revenue 
 General government218,792238,782236,682270,49414.3%
 Public non-financial corporations27,30526,73728,50032,07512.5%
Total expenses 
 General government229,347236,111232,186255,51910.0%
 Public non-financial corporations27,18727,14928,45730,7778.2%
GFS Net Operating Balance 
 General government-10,5552,6724,49614,975na
 Public non-financial corporations118-411431,298na
GFS Net Lending (+)/Borrowing (-) 
 General government-21,977-12,044-7,433-7,148na
 Public non-financial corporations-3,908-7,234-4,524-7,047na

na indicates this value not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated

National accounts public sector measures

The table below includes the key public sector aggregates for June quarter 2024 which will be included in the Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product release. The key figures shown include Total Public Demand, Government Final Consumption Expenditure for total general government and Gross Fixed Capital Formation for total general government and total public corporations, seasonally adjusted in current prices and chain volume terms.

The following are the seasonally adjusted chain volume measures based on the previous quarter (a):

  • public sector demand is expected to contribute 0.4 percentage points to the change in GDP in June quarter 2024
  • general government final consumption expenditure rose $1912m (up 1.4%) and is expected to contribute 0.3 percentage points to the change in GDP in June quarter 2024
  • general government gross fixed capital formation rose $585m (up 2.5%)
  • public corporations gross fixed capital formation fell $81m (down 0.9%)
  • total public gross fixed capital formation rose $505m (up 1.5%) and is expected to contribute 0.1 percentage points to the change in GDP in June quarter 2024
  1. Contributions may not be additive due to rounding
Quarterly national accounts public sector measures, seasonally adjusted
   Sep Qtr 2023Dec Qtr 2023Mar Qtr 2024Jun Qtr 2024

Mar Qtr 2024


Jun Qtr 2024

          $m      $m       $m      $m% change
General government final consumption expenditure (a)
 National-defence12,583 12,293 12,529 12,462 -0.5
 National-non-defence55,252 57,138 58,722 60,844 3.6
 Total national67,836 69,431 71,250 73,306 2.9
 State and local76,250 77,490 78,593 80,223 2.1
 Total general government final consumption expenditure144,086 146,921 149,843 153,529 2.5
Public gross fixed capital formation 
 General government
  National-defence2,982 2,925 3,398 3,588 5.6
  National-non-defence2,835 2,862 2,812 2,744 -2.4
  Total national5,817 5,787 6,211 6,331 1.9
  State and local21,095 20,529 20,456 21,311 4.2
  Total general government26,912 26,317 26,667 27,643 3.7
 Public corporations  
  Commonwealth3,268 3,174 3,187 3,036 -4.7
  State and local7,114 7,451 7,190 7,341 2.1
  Total public corporations10,383 10,625 10,377 10,377 0.0
 Total public gross fixed capital formation37,295 36,942 37,044 38,020 2.6
Total public demand181,380 183,863 186,887 191,549 2.5
Memorandum item
 Net purchases of second hand assets by public sector7105395521,701208.0
 Public authorities changes in inventories (c)-1,1803901391,075na
General government final consumption expenditure
 National-defence11,496 11,075 11,130 10,996 -1.2
 National-non-defence51,787 52,917 53,886 55,128 2.3
 Total national63,283 63,992 65,016 66,124 1.7
 State and local70,290 70,320 70,919 71,723 1.1
 Total general government final consumption expenditure133,573 134,312 135,935 137,847 1.4
Public gross fixed capital formation
 General government
  National-defence2,638 2,530 2,925 3,080 5.3
  National-non-defence2,663 2,657 2,616 2,516 -3.8
  Total national5,302 5,186 5,542 5,596 1.0
  State and local18,893 18,168 17,880 18,412 3.0
  Total general government24,194 23,354 23,422 24,007 2.5
 Public corporations
  Commonwealth3,019 2,910 2,888 2,736 -5.3
  State and local6,490 6,732 6,417 6,487 1.1
  Total public corporations9,509 9,642 9,304 9,223 -0.9
 Total public gross fixed capital formation33,704 32,996 32,726 33,231 1.5
Total public demand167,277 167,308 168,661 171,077 1.4
Memorandum item
 Net purchases of second hand assets by public sector634 470 471 1,435 204.6
 Public authorities changes in inventories (c)-1,512 1,151 -544 518 na

na not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated

  1. See explanatory notes for the relationship between general government final consumption expenditure and GFS aggregates Government Finance Statistics, Australia methodology, June 2024.
  2. Reference year for chain volume measures is 2021-22
  3. Includes general government, public non-financial corporations and public financial corporations



Public demand contribution to GDP growth

  1. Chain volume measures seasonally adjusted
  2. using the GDP series as published in the March 2024 release of Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product

Revisions and changes


Divergences with government fiscal reporting

Previous catalogue number

Data downloads

Government Finance Statistics, Australia

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