Taxes on immovable property (TC 31)

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Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
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Taxes on immovable property (TC 31) consists of taxes levied regularly on the use or ownership of immovable property, which includes land, buildings and other structures. These taxes may be levied on proprietors, tenants or both. The tax is usually calculated as a percentage of an assessed property value that is based on a notional rental income, sales price, capitalised yield or other characteristics such as size or location. This category is further classified into:

  • land taxes (TC 311);
  • municipal rates (TC 312);
  • metropolitan improvement rates (TC 313);
  • property owner’s contributions to fire brigades (TC 314); and
  • taxes on immovable property not elsewhere classified (TC 319).

Land taxes (TC 311)


Land taxes (TC 311) consists of taxes on the ownership of land based on the assessed value of the land.

Municipal rates (TC 312)


Municipal rates (TC 312) consists of levies imposed by local government authorities on the assessed value of property for the purpose of financing the provision of ordinary local services.

Excludes: Amounts collected with municipal rates but identified as charges for direct supply of goods and services such as water and sewerage rates and garbage charges.

Metropolitan improvement rates (TC 313)


Metropolitan improvement rates (TC 313) consists of levies on property owners intended specifically for financing the planning and development of land within the metropolitan region.

Includes: Levies used for the acquisition of land for the development of metropolitan parks; support of regional studies; financing open space improvements.

Property owners' contributions to fire brigades (TC 314


Property owners' contributions to fire brigades (TC 314) consists of levies imposed on property owners to contribute to financing fire protection services.

Taxes on immovable property not elsewhere classified (TC 319)


Taxes on immovable property not elsewhere classified (TC 319) consists of other taxes on owners or users of immovable property that cannot be classified to land taxes (TC 311), municipal rates (TC 312), metropolitan improvement rates (TC 313) or property owner’s contributions to fire brigades (TC 314).

Includes: Taxes usually collected to finance specific services such as control of vermin or noxious weeds.

Excludes: Charges for direct supply of goods and services such as water and sewerage rates.

Estate, inheritance and gift taxes (TC 32)


Estate, inheritance and gift taxes (TC 32) consists of taxes on transfers of property at death and on gifts. This category comprises estate, inheritance and gift taxes (TC 321).

Estate, inheritance and gift taxes (TC 321)


Estate, inheritance and gift taxes (TC 32) consists of taxes on transfers of property at death and on gifts, including gifts made between living members of the same family to avoid or minimise the payment of inheritance taxes.

Includes: Estate taxes; inheritance taxes.