Implicit transfers (ETF 711)

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Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Implicit transfers (ETF 711) record the implied transfers arising through concessional lending arrangements. In the ABS GFS, implicit transfers (ETF 711) are further classified as:

  • Implicit transfers receivable from concessional loans (ETF 7111); and
  • Implicit transfers payable due to concessional loans (ETF 7112).

Implicit transfers receivable from concessional loans (ETF 7111)


Implicit transfers receivable from concessional loans (ETF 7111) records the value of implicit transfers receivable through concessional lending arrangements. The value of the implicit transfer is the difference between the current market value of the loan (assuming market interest rates) and the value of the concessional loan. Because the value of the concessional loan is lower than the market value, an implicit transfer is recorded as receivable by the recipient of a concessional loan in the supplementary information (ETF 7) of the GFS. Further information on concessional loans can be found in Chapter 3, Chapter 8, Chapter 10, Chapter 12 and Chapter 13 Part A of this manual.

Implicit transfers payable due to concessional loans (ETF 7112)


Implicit transfers payable due to concessional loans (ETF 7112) records the value of implicit transfers payable through concessional lending arrangements. The value of the implicit transfer is the difference between the current market value of the loan (assuming market interest rates) and the value of the concessional loan. Because the value of the concessional loan is lower than the market value, an implicit transfer is recorded as payable by the provider of a concessional loan in the supplementary information of the GFS. Further information on concessional loans can be found in Chapter 3, Chapter 8, Chapter 10, Chapter 12 and Chapter 13 Part A of this manual.