
259931 Careers Adviser

Latest release
Consultation draft: Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)
Reference period
July 2024
Next release Unknown
First release

259931 Careers Adviser

Assists individuals and groups in managing their careers, making occupational and educational decisions, and skill development.

Student Services Advisers are excluded from this occupation. Student Services Advisers are included in Occupation 259932 Student Services Adviser.

Alternative titles

  • Career Development Practitioner
  • Career Practitioner
  • Career Coach
  • Careers Consultant
  • Careers Counsellor

ANZSCO skill level

This occupation has a skill level corresponding to the qualifications and experience below.


  • Skill Level 1: Bachelor Degree, higher qualification, or at least five years of relevant experience

New Zealand

  • Skill Level 1: Bachelor Degree, higher qualification, or at least five years of relevant experience

Main tasks

  • Advises individuals with educational, occupational, employment, and career options
  • Assists individuals in developing job-seeking strategies, resumes, applications, interviewing skills, and career portfolios
  • Utilises career assessment instruments where appropriate to assist individuals in identifying their interests, skills, values, aptitudes, and abilities
  • Advises students with career planning and assists them to make informed decisions for pathways following school completion
  • Facilitates and delivers workshops and programs to a diverse range of individuals and groups
  • Develops and facilitates programs for career education and occupational training
  • Consults with educators, training providers, community organisations, government agencies, businesses, and employers
  • Assists individuals in navigating career transitions and locating industry immersion placements
  • Liaises with employers to identify job opportunities and help jobseekers to connect with potential employers
  • Prepares reports and maintains client records
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