
223233 Data Scientist

Latest release
Consultation draft: Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)
Reference period
July 2024
Next release Unknown
First release

223233 Data Scientist

Applies analytical techniques and scientific procedures to datasets by creating algorithms and using statistical models. Builds and deploys analytics frameworks, such as machine learning, to obtain information for strategic planning and decision-making.

ANZSCO skill level

This occupation has a skill level corresponding to the qualifications and experience below.


  • Skill Level 1: Bachelor Degree, higher qualification, or at least five years of relevant experience

New Zealand

  • Skill Level 1: Bachelor Degree, higher qualification, or at least five years of relevant experience

Main tasks

  • Prepares data for analysis, cleans data, and recognises and overcomes data anomalies
  • Applies analytics techniques that incorporate mathematical, statistical, programming, and database skills
  • Builds and deploys machine learning and artificial intelligence frameworks
  • Applies models to data, and evaluates and adjusts models to discover trends and extract insights
  • Presents data-driven findings and outcomes to key decision-makers and stakeholders
  • Provides strategic input and innovation to organisational data science initiatives
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