
171332 Legal Practice Manager

Latest release
Consultation draft: Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)
Reference period
July 2024
Next release Unknown
First release

171332 Legal Practice Manager

Organises and controls the functions and resources of a legal practice, such as administrative systems and practice personnel.

Legal Secretaries are excluded from this occupation. Legal Secretaries are included in Occupation 521235 Legal Secretary.

ANZSCO skill level

This occupation has a skill level corresponding to the qualifications and experience below.


  • Skill Level 2: AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma, Diploma, or at least three years of relevant experience

New Zealand

  • Skill Level 2: NZQF Diploma, or at least three years of relevant experience

Main tasks

  • Assigns tasks and responsibilities to legal support team members based on their skill and workload
  • Monitors performance of legal practice staff and provides feedback and training
  • Oversees the legal case loads and assignments of legal professionals, paralegals, and administrative support staff, ensuring deadlines are met
  • Develops and implements policies and procedures to ensure compliance with industry specific regulations and best practices
  • Develops and maintains communication processes to ensure clients are provided updates on their relevant cases
  • Maintains the confidentiality and data security standards for client information and sensitive legal documentation
  • Reviews and maintains legal documentation
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