Narrow Field

0701 Teacher Education

Latest release
Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED)
Reference period
Next release Unknown
First release

Narrow Field 0701 Teacher Education

Teacher Education is the study of teaching and learning methods and their application to educating people.

The main purpose of this narrow field of education is to develop an understanding of the theoretical bases of education and its role in society, the factors which influence learning, teaching strategies and educational processes. It also involves developing an ability to plan, implement and evaluate appropriate curricula and learning programmes and the assessment and reporting of student achievement.

Courses in Narrow Field 0701 Teacher Education develop skills in:

  • acquiring, organising, producing and using a wide range of materials for research-oriented teaching and learning
  • applying the theoretical bases of education to the practice of teaching
  • assessing and evaluating learning progress and personal development
  • communicating and interacting effectively with people in a variety of learning environments to provide meaningful learning experiences
  • meeting the requirements of students and providing feedback to parents and other professionals

This narrow field comprises the following detailed fields:

070101  Teacher Education: Early Childhood
070103  Teacher Education: Primary
070105  Teacher Education: Secondary
070107  Teacher-Librarianship
070109  Teacher Education: Vocational Education and Training
070111  Teacher Education: Higher Education
070113  Teacher Education: Special Education
070115  English as a Second Language Teaching
070117  Nursing Education Teacher Training
070199  Teacher Education, n.e.c.


Curriculum development. This is included in Detailed Field 070301 Curriculum Studies.

070101 Teacher Education: Early Childhood

Teacher Education: Early Childhood is the study of the theories, methods and practice of teaching children from birth to 8 years of age within formal education settings.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • early childhood learning
  • early childhood development and pedagogy 
  • theory and practice of play

070103 Teacher Education: Primary

Teacher Education: Primary is the study of the theories, methods and practice of teaching children between the ages of 5 and 12 within formal school settings.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • information technology in primary teaching practices
  • children’s literature in the classroom
  • communication in a primary educational setting

070105 Teacher Education: Secondary

Teacher Education: Secondary is the study of the theories, methods and practice of teaching secondary school students between the ages of 12 and 18 within formal school and college settings.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • facilitating adolescent learning
  • communication in a secondary educational setting
  • information technology in secondary teaching practices

070107 Teacher-Librarianship

Teacher-Librarianship is the study of the theories, methods and practice of teaching relating to the integration of library and information resources in schools and colleges.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • resources for learning
  • educational information sources and services
  • library technology
  • school library integration into total school curriculum

070109 Teacher Education: Vocational Education and Training

Teacher Education: Vocational Education and Training is the study of the theories, methods and practice of teaching trade and other vocational subjects.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • VET training methods
  • foundations of adult education
  • post school education and training in Australia

070111 Teacher Education: Higher Education

Teacher Education: Higher Education is the study of the theories, methods and practice of teaching in higher educational institutions.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • teaching for learning in higher education
  • facilitating higher education student learning
  • information technology for higher education learning and teaching

070113 Teacher Education: Special Education

Teacher Education: Special Education is the study of the theories, methods and practice of teaching children with special learning needs, including children with physical and mental disabilities and impairments, and gifted children. Special Education may be conducted in special schools or by providing support for teachers in primary and secondary schools.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • early intervention and children with special needs
  • gifted children and their needs
  • teaching methods in special education
  • learning support

070115 English as a Second Language Teaching

English as a Second Language Teaching is the study of theories, methods and practice of teaching English to those whose first language is other than English, including teaching children in school settings and teaching adults and children in other settings.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • second language teaching methodologies
  • managing cross-cultural classes
  • principles of teaching English as a second language
  • issues in second language theory and practice

070117 Nursing Education Teacher Training

Nursing Education Teacher Training is the study of the theories, methods and practice of teaching nurses in tertiary educational institutions and hospital-based settings.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • teaching in nurse education
  • contemporary issues in nurse education

070199 Teacher Education, n.e.c.

This detailed field includes all Teacher Education not elsewhere classified.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • firearms instructor training
  • indigenous education teacher training
  • physical education teacher training
  • drama education
  • train the trainer
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