Narrow Level

0201 Computer Science

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Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED)
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Narrow Level 0201 Computer Science

Computer Science is the study of the design and development of computer systems.

The main purpose of this narrow field of education is to develop an understanding of computer languages, computational theory as applied to information technology, and computer networks.

Courses in Narrow Field 0201 Computer Science develop skills in:

  • computer programming
  • data types and structures
  • development and analysis of algorithms
  • functions, number handling and computation stability
  • two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphical images

This narrow field comprises the following detailed fields:

020101  Formal Language Theory
020103  Programming
020105  Computational Theory
020107  Compiler Construction
020109  Algorithms
020111  Data Structures
020113  Networks and Communications
020115  Computer Graphics
020117  Operating Systems
020119  Artificial Intelligence
020199  Computer Science, n.e.c.

020101 Formal Language Theory

Formal Language Theory is the study of automated formal languages and the algorithms used to recognise them.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • finite automata
  • formal grammars
  • language limitations, recognition and representation
  • rational languages
  • syntax analysis and specification

020103 Programming

Programming is the study of writing coded instructions for computers to perform particular tasks.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • imperative, functional, logic and object programming paradigms
  • iterative and recursive processes
  • program development
  • software engineering
  • specific language written machine codes

020105 Computational Theory

Computational Theory is the study of problems that can be solved using efficient algorithms and the identification of problems that are unsolvable.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • problem solving


Numerical analysis. This is included in Detailed Field 010101 Mathematics.

020107 Compiler Construction

Compiler Construction is the study of the theories and techniques for translating instructions between high and low level languages.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • automated syntax error correction
  • code generation
  • object programs
  • source programs

020109 Algorithms

Algorithms is the study of the processes and rules that describe the logical sequence of operations to be performed by a program.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • algorithm analysis
  • algorithm application
  • algorithm design

020111 Data Structures

Data Structures is the study of the system of relationships between items of data which permit efficient manipulation through reducing complexity.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • adjacency matrix
  • hash
  • linked list
  • queue
  • table
  • tree structures

020113 Networks and Communications

Networks and Communications is the study of linking computers for information exchange and distribution.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • distributive systems
  • local area networks
  • network architectures
  • network organisation
  • network protocol

020115 Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics is the study of developing and programming graphical output devices to generate pictures.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • 2D and 3D graphics systems
  • computer animation
  • ray tracing
  • scan conversion
  • shading and texturing
  • vector and bit-mapped graphics


Animation using computers. This is included in Detailed Field 100399 Visual Arts and Crafts, n.e.c.

020117 Operating Systems

Operating Systems is the study of designing and constructing systems to control processes and process scheduling.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • concurrency and synchronisation
  • file systems
  • memory management
  • multi-tasking systems

020119 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the study of creating computer programs which demonstrate some of the attributes associated with human intelligence.

Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:

  • automated problem solving
  • automated reasoning and theorem proving
  • expert systems
  • game playing
  • machine learning
  • searching

020199 Computer Science, n.e.c.

This detailed field includes all Computer Science not elsewhere classified.

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