ASCED - ISCED97 Level Correspondence Table
Latest release
Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED)
Reference period
First release
ASCED Level | ISCED Level | ||
9 | Other Education | - | No correspondence. |
8 | Pre-Primary Education | 0 | Pre-primary education. |
7 | Primary Education | 1 | Primary education or first stage of basic education. |
62 | Junior Secondary Education | 2A | Programmes designed to prepare students for direct access to ISCED 3A or 3B which are the subcategories of Level 3 earmarked for providing access to tertiary education. |
61 | Senior Secondary Education | 3A | Programmes designed to provide direct access to ISCED 5A, which is the type of tertiary education that enables the students to gain entry into advanced research or highly skilled professions. |
524-525 | Certificate I Level | 2C | Programmes that are 'terminal' and are primarily meant to provide direct access to the labour market. |
521-523 | Certificate II Level | 2C | Programmes that are 'terminal' and are primarily meant to provide direct access to the labour market. |
514-516 | Certificate III Level | 3C | Programmes designed to lead directly to the labour market or entry into ISCED level 4 programmes or even other ISCED level 3 programmes. |
511-513 | Certificate IV Level | 4B | Programmes that do not provide access to tertiary education (ISCED 5A or 5B), but are designed primarily for direct entry into the labour market. |
42 | Diploma Level | 5B | Programmes which are practical/technical/occupationally specific. |
41 | Advanced Diploma and Associate Degree Level | 5B | Programmes which are practical/technical/occupationally specific. |
3 | Bachelor Degree Level | 5A | Programmes which are largely theoretically based/research preparatoy or which provide access to professions with high skills requirements. |
2 | Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate Level | 5A | Programmes which are largely theoretically based/research preparatoy or which provide access to professions with high skills requirements. |
12 | Master Degree Level | 5A | Programmes which are largely theoretically based/research preparatoy or which provide access to professions with high skills requirements |
11 | Doctoral Degree Level | 6 | Second stage of tertiary education (leading to an advanced research qualification) |
According to the Operational Manual for ISCED - 1997, the levels under which educational programmes can be classified according to ISCED - 1997 are shown below (UNESCO Institute for Statisics 1999):
Level 0 | Pre-primary education |
Level 1 | Primary education or First stage of basic education |
Level 2 | Lower secondary or Second stage of basic education |
Level 3 | Upper secondary education |
Level 4 | Post-secondary non-tertiary education |
Level 5 | First stage of tertiary education (not leading directly to an advanced research qualification) |
Level 6 | Second stage of tertiary education (leading to an advanced research qualification) |