103 Manufacture or cultivate illicit drugs
Subdivision 103 Manufacture or cultivate illicit drugs
Actions resulting or intended to result in either the manufacture of controlled substances, or growing of plants used to make illicit drugs.
This subdivision is further disaggregated based on whether the illicit drugs are manufactured or cultivated.
Offences in this subdivision are classified into the following groups:
1031 Manufacture illicit drugs
1032 Cultivate illicit drugs
Conspiracy to manufacture/cultivate illicit drugs
1031 Manufacture illicit drugs
Actions resulting or intended to result in the manufacture of controlled substances used to make illicit drugs.
Possess drug precursors with intent to manufacture illicit drugs
Possess equipment with intent to manufacture illicit drugs
1032 Cultivate illicit drugs
Actions resulting or intended to result in the cultivation or growing of illegal or controlled plants used to make illicit drugs.
Cultivate controlled plant