Release calendar

Future release - October 2024

October 2024

The next 6 months of future releases are available. Release dates may change. All times are in Canberra time.

Deaths, Australia

Statistics about deaths and mortality rates for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state regions

Statistics about deaths and mortality rates for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state regions

Reference period 2023

Births, Australia

Statistics about births and fertility rates for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state regions

Statistics about births and fertility rates for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state regions

Reference period 2023
| First release


Statistics about stalking, including victimisation rates, socio-demographics, behaviour types, impacts, and police reporting.

Statistics about stalking, including victimisation rates, socio-demographics, behaviour types, impacts, and police reporting.

Reference period 2021-22 financial year
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