Survey of Income and Housing

Please note, this survey is not open at this time. Our Surveys of people, families, and household page provides an up to date list of current household surveys.

Purpose of the survey

This is an important national survey that collects information about the income, housing and living arrangements of Australian households, and how they change over time.

Your participation is an opportunity to make a real difference. The information you provide helps governments, businesses, and organisations make important decisions about income support, childcare, housing affordability, and superannuation. To find out more about this survey, please see our Frequently Asked Questions below.

Thank you. We acknowledge and value your time and effort taking part in this survey. It is only with the support of people like you that we can continue to produce the statistics that inform Australia's important decisions.

Frequently asked questions

I've been chosen to be in the Survey of Income and Housing – what is this?

How do I complete the survey?

Why do I need to choose a household representative?

Why was my household selected?

What will you ask me?

How is the information from this survey used? Why is it important?

Which people in my household will you require to take part?

Why do you need everyone over the age of 15 to complete the survey?

Is the survey compulsory?

What happens if there are people in the household who don't speak English?

I am retired, do I still complete the survey?

How will you keep my information safe, secure, and confidential?

Can other people in my household see the information I enter online?

Will the information I provide be combined with other data?

How do I know the person contacting me is from the Australian Bureau of Statistics?

I'm having trouble completing the survey online - where can I find help?

Where do I find my Form Access Code?

Who can I contact for more information?

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