National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey

Ready to start your survey now?

Click the link below to create your ABS Survey Account and start your survey.

Purpose of the survey

This is an important national survey that collects information about the health and wellbeing of people in Australia.

By taking part in this survey, you have the chance to make a difference. The information you give will help with important decisions for your local area and the wider Australian community. These include decisions about health programs and policies. The information is used to find ways to help people live healthier and happier lives. To find out more about this survey, please see our Frequently Asked Questions below.

If you have volunteered to take part in the National Health Measures Survey (NHMS) you can view the NHMS Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Thank you. We acknowledge and value your time and effort taking part in this survey. It is only with your support that we can continue to produce the statistics that inform Australia's important decisions.

Frequently asked questions - general

What is the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey?

How is the information from this survey used and why is it important?

Why was my household selected?

Who in my household will be required to participate?

How do I complete the survey?

What kinds of questions will you ask?

Is the survey compulsory?

How do I know the person contacting me is from the ABS?

What happens if there are people in my household who don't speak English?

How will you keep my information safe, secure, and confidential?

Will the information I provide be combined with other data?

I'm having trouble starting the survey online – where can I find help?

Does the ABS have a Child Safe Policy?

Who can I contact for more information?

Frequently asked questions - dietary recall

Why is it important for me to complete a Day 2 dietary recall?

What is involved in the Day 2 dietary recall?

Can somebody else in my household complete the Day 2 dietary recall for me?

What happens if I forget to complete my Day 2 dietary recall?

Can I complete my Day 2 dietary recall on a smartphone or tablet?

How do I start my Day 2 dietary recall?

I am having trouble completing my Day 2 dietary recall online – where can I find help?

What do I do if I can’t find the food or drink I am looking for?

Frequently asked questions - activity wristband

Who will you ask to wear an activity wristband?

How long will you ask volunteers to wear the activity wristband for?

Can I take the activity wristband off?

Can someone else wear the activity wristband for me?

Do I need to charge the activity wristband?

What happens if I need to stop wearing the activity wristband before the end of the 8 days?

What happens if the activity wristband gets damaged or lost?

What happens if I forget to send the activity wristband back?

Will I get the information from my activity wristband back?

Who do I contact if I have more questions or need help with the activity wristband?

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