The ABS will be closed from 12.00pm, 24 December 2024 and will reopen at 9.00am, 2 January 2025. During this time there will be no statistical releases and our support functions will be unavailable. The ABS wishes you a safe and happy Christmas.

Update of Business Structure survey

Contact us

You can call us on 1800 624 562 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. You can also use our online Business Surveys Contact Form to outline the details of your situation and we will be in touch.

Purpose of the survey

The Update of Business Structure survey form collects information to update the ABS Business Register and ensure it accurately reflects the structure of operating businesses. The ABS Business Register provides details of Australian businesses for most ABS economic surveys to enable a consistent, coherent, point-in-time picture of the Australian economy.

The activities of large and small businesses make an important contribution to the Australian economy, especially at state and territory levels. In addition to being useful in their own right, the results of many ABS business surveys are inputs into quarterly and annual updates of the Australian National Accounts. The statistics produced from business surveys provide information for government, businesses and the community to support informed decision making.

Further information about the purpose and conceptual framework, see Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register.

Frequently asked questions

About this survey

What kinds of questions are asked in the Update of Business Structure survey?

How should I report employment?

What if my business did not operate during the reference period (e.g. seasonal businesses)?

Why have I or my business been included in the Update of Business Structure survey?

How is the information from this survey used? Why is it important?

Do we have to answer the questions?

How long will we need to participate in this survey?

Do we have to provide figures for this survey right now?

What about the workload we already have?

What if I don't have time to fill in the form?

Will the information we provide be kept safe, secure, and confidential?

Will we be paid for our time?

We have already completed the Update of Business Structure survey this year and have received a reminder notice. What should we do?

How to complete this survey

How do I submit my form?

Can I keep a record of my completed form?

How do we answer the Update of Business Structure survey?

We’re having trouble completing the survey online – where can we find help?

Can I email details?

About the questions in this survey

How accurate do the figures need to be?

Can we use the statistics produced from this survey?

Contact us

Who can we contact for more information or to provide feedback?

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