Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) – Health Establishment Component

Create an account and login to complete your survey

Use the Complete your survey button below to create and log into your ABS survey account.

Contact us

If you would like further information about the survey because your health establishment has been selected to participate or require assistance completing your survey, please call us on 1800 221 077. Alternatively you can use our Business Survey Contact Form to outline the details of your query, and we will be in touch.

Purpose of the survey

This is an important national survey that collects information about the health of people in Australia.

Your participation is an opportunity to make a real difference. The information you provide will contribute to important decisions being made for the disability and aged care industry and the wider Australian community. These decisions relate to the planning and provision of services for people who experience health conditions or disability, and the needs of an ageing population.

To find out more about this survey, please see our Frequently Asked Questions below. 

Frequently asked questions

About this survey

What is the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers?

What kinds of questions will you ask?

How long will it take to complete Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers?

Why was this establishment selected?

We do not provide long term cared accommodation, why has our establishment been asked to complete the Stage 1 Contact Information Form?

We are a small establishment. Should we be included in this survey?

Do we have to answer the questions?

Will we be paid for our time?

How is the information from this survey used and why is it important?

How will you keep my information safe, secure and confidential?

How to complete this survey

How do we answer this survey?

We're having trouble completing the survey online - where can we find help?

What if we cannot complete the survey by the due date?

We have already completed the survey and have received a reminder letter. What should we do?

Using SDAC statistics

How can this business or organisation use Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers statistics?

Who can we contact for more information or to provide feedback

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