If your business has been set up for the survey and your are ready to provide your monthly turnover figures for the previous month, please call 1800 020 635 freecall (excluding mobile phones) to speak to an ABS Officer.
If your business is new to the Retail Business Survey, please call 1800 654 467 freecall (excluding mobile phones) to set up your reporting for the survey or if your require any assistance.
Welcome to the help page for the Retail Business Survey, which contains information designed to help business understand and complete the questions asked for the survey.
If your question about the Retail Business Survey is not answered on this help page you can contact the ABS on 1800 020 635 freecall (excluding mobile phones).
For common questions about participation in ABS business surveys, please see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Thank you for your participation. The ABS is grateful for the cooperation of businesses in providing their data for the Retail Business Survey. Many aspects of economic policy are influenced by this data, including decisions by the Reserve Bank on the setting of interest rates. We look forward to your continued support.