Basic price (BP)
The amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service, minus any margin and any tax payable (including deductible value added taxes) plus any subsidy receivable, as a result of production or sale of the unit.
Business and government tourism consumption
Also referred to as internal tourism consumption by domestic business and government visitors. Consists of the tourism consumption by business and government travellers on tourism related products within Australia regardless of whether the purchase was personal or business related.
Chain price indexes
Annually reweighted chain Laspeyres price indexes referenced to the same year as the chain volume measures. They can be thought of as a series of indexes measuring price change from a base year to the following year using current price values in the base year as weights, linked together to form a continuous time series. In other words, chain price indexes are constructed in a similar fashion to the chain volume indexes.
Chain volume measures
Measures growth in the volume of production and expenditures on products between any two periods of interest. Where there is more than one type of product, it is necessary to apply some kind of weighting. This is possible by valuing products at their prices in one or other period and dividing the total value of their combined production in the second period by that in the first. The same prices must be used for both periods to ensure the index reflects only changes in quantities produced. Chain linked volume indexes take account of changes to price relativities that occur from one year to the next. It is the price relativities that determine the weight given to each component of a volume index.
Current prices
Estimates are valued at the prices of the period to which the observation relates. For example, estimates for 2014-15 are valued using 2014-15 prices. This contrasts to chain volume measures where the prices used in valuation refer to the prices of the previous year.
Direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP)
Equals direct tourism gross value added plus net taxes on products that are attributable to the tourism industry (tourism net taxes on products). Direct tourism GDP will generally have a higher value than direct tourism value added. Direct tourism GDP is a satellite account construct to enable a direct comparison with the most widely recognised national accounting aggregate, GDP. While it is useful in this context, the direct tourism gross value added measure should be used when making comparisons with other industries or between countries.
Direct tourism gross value added (GVA)
The value of direct tourism output at basic prices, less the value of the inputs used in producing these tourism products. This measure is directly comparable with the value added of 'conventional' industries such as mining and manufacturing and should also be used for comparisons across countries.
Direct tourism output
The value of goods and services, at basic prices, which are consumed by visitors and produced in Australia by industries in a direct relationship with visitors.
Domestic tourism consumption
Consists of the tourism consumption by resident visitors on tourism related products within Australia. It is the sum of household tourism consumption and business and government tourism consumption.
Exports of goods and services
The value of goods exported and amounts receivable from non-residents for the provision of services by residents.
Filled jobs
Filled jobs refer to all positions of employment that are currently filled (including self-employment). Filled jobs can be measured from either household sources (such as the Labour Force Survey), or business sources (such as the Economic Activity Survey).
Full-time jobs
Includes employed person usually works 35 hours or more a week and those who, although usually working fewer than 35 hours a week, worked 35 hours or more during the reference week.
Gross domestic product (GDP)
The total market value of goods and services produced in Australia within a given period after deducting the cost of goods and services used up in the process of production but before deducting allowances for the consumption of fixed capital. Thus, GDP, as here defined, is 'at market prices'. It is equivalent to gross national expenditure plus exports of goods and services less imports of goods and services.
Gross value added (GVA)
The value of output at basic prices minus the value of intermediate consumption at PP. The term is used to describe gross product by industry and by sector.
Hours worked
The hours worked by all labour engaged in the production of tourism goods and services, including hours worked by wages and salary earners, employers, self-employed persons, and persons working one hour or more without pay in a family business.
Household tourism consumption
Consists of the tourism consumption by resident households on tourism related products within Australia.
Implicit price deflators (IPD)
The ratio of the current price value of a series to its corresponding chain dollar value, multiplied by 100. Therefore, the tourism gross value added IPD is the ratio of the current price value of tourism value added to its corresponding chain volume value. This represents the net weighted prices of tourism output less weighted prices of intermediate use. Note that IPDs are subject to revision due to revisions in the relevant current price and/or chain volume estimates.
Imports purchased in Australia by visitors
The value of goods imported and purchased in Australia by domestic and international visitors.
Imputed consumption
Consists of imputations made for the consumption by visitors of certain goods and services for which they do not make a payment. Imputation is confined to a small number of cases where a reasonably satisfactory basis for the valuation of the implied transaction is available, and where their inclusion is consistent with the production boundary in the core national accounts.
Inbound trip
A trip undertaken by a non-resident visitor to Australia.
Intermediate consumption
Consists of the value of the goods and services used as inputs by a process of production, excluding compensation of employees and the consumption of fixed capital.
Internal tourism consumption
Consists of all tourism consumption of visitors, both resident and non-resident, within Australia. It is the sum of domestic tourism consumption and international tourism consumption.
International tourism consumption
Also referred to as internal tourism consumption by international visitors. Consists of the tourism consumption within Australia by non-residents on tourism related products.
Main jobs
Main job is the main activity carried out by an employed person. In the Australian context, this is the job in which most hours are usually worked. An employed person can only have one main job.
This is the difference between the resale price of a good and the cost to the retailer or wholesaler of the good sold. A transport margin consists of the transport charges invoiced separately by the producer in the delivery of a good.
Net taxes on products
Also referred to as taxes less subsidies on products. A tax or subsidy on a product is payable per unit of a good or service. The tax or subsidy may be a specific amount of money per unit of quantity of a good or service (quantity being measured either in terms of discrete units or continuous physical variables such as volume, weight, strength, distance, time, etc.), or it may be calculated ad valorem as a specified percentage of the price per unit or value of the goods or services transacted. A tax or subsidy on a product usually becomes payable when the product is produced, sold or imported, but it may also become payable in other circumstances, such as when a good is exported, leased, transferred, delivered, or used for own consumption or own capital formation.
Outbound tourism consumption
Also referred to as tourism imports. Consists of the tourism consumption by resident visitors outside of Australia while on an international trip.
Outbound trip
A trip undertaken by an Australian resident travelling to another country.
Part-time jobs
Jobs filled by persons who usually worked fewer than 35 hours a week and either did so during the reference week or were not at work during the reference week.
Purchasers’ price (PP)
The amount paid by the purchaser, excluding any deductible tax, to take delivery of a unit of a good or service at the time and place required by the purchaser. The PP of a good includes any transport charges paid separately by the purchaser to take delivery at the required time and place.
Comprises the activities of visitors.
Tourism characteristic industries
Are those industries that would either cease to exist in their present form, producing their present product(s), or would be significantly affected if tourism were to cease. In the Australian TSA, for an industry to be a country-specific tourism characteristic industry, at least 25 per cent of its output must be consumed by visitors.
Tourism characteristic products
These are defined in the international TSA standards as those products which would cease to exist in meaningful quantity, or for which sales would be significantly reduced, in the absence of tourism. In the Australian TSA, for a product to be a country-specific tourism characteristic product, at least 25 per cent of the total output of the product must be consumed by visitors.
Tourism connected industries
Are those, other than tourism characteristic industries, for which a tourism related product is directly identifiable (primary) to, and where the products are consumed by visitors in volumes which are significant for the visitor and/or the producer. All other industries are classified as non-tourism industries, though some of their products may be consumed by visitors and are included in the calculation of direct tourism gross value added and direct tourism GDP.
Tourism connected products
Are those that are consumed by visitors but are not considered as tourism characteristic products. All other products in the supply and use table not consumed by visitors are classified as 'all other goods and services' in the TSA.
Tourism consumption
Consists of tourism expenditure plus imputed consumption by resident and non-resident visitors on tourism related products, including those sold at prices that are not economically significant.
Tourism expenditure
Consists of the amount paid by a visitor or on behalf of a visitor for and during their trip and stay at the destination.
Tourism net taxes on tourism products
Consists of taxes paid less subsidies received on tourism related products which is attributable to productive activity of tourism related industries that are in a direct relationship with visitors. In the case of goods purchased by visitors, only the net taxes attributable to the value of retail trade services on those goods will be included.
Tourism output
The value of products produced that serve visitors before any taxes and margins on tourism products are added (or any subsidies on tourism products are deducted).
Tourism product ratio
This is the proportion of the total supply of a product which is consumed by visitors.
Tourism trip
This is defined in the international TSA standards as those trips which are taken by visitors.
Usual environment
This is made up of one or more areas in which a person undertakes their regular activities such as their residence, place of work, place of study and other places frequently visited. The usual environment criteria has two dimensions. Frequency means places that are visited on a routine basis (at least once a week) are considered part of a person's usual environment, even if the place visited is located a considerable distance from place of residence. Distance means locations close (up to 40 kilometres from home for overnight trips and up to 50 kilometres from home (round trip) for day trips) to the place of residence of a person are also included in their usual environment.
A visitor is defined as any person 'taking a trip to a main destination outside their usual environment, for less than a year, for any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal purpose) other than to be employed by a resident entity in the country or place visited'.