The indicator is derived from aggregated, de-identified bank card transactions data for resident households, as well as supermarket and VFACTS car sale data. The data is provided to the ABS from participating banks, selected supermarkets and the FCAI respectively.
The source data does not cover the whole population and in the case of bank data, does not include all payment types. While cash payments, direct transfers outside the banks, cryptocurrency and BPAY transactions are all forms of household spending, these are not currently included due to lack of available data sources or ability to identify such transactions in the current data set.
Estimation methods are used to adjust for under coverage of the population, under coverage within each payment type and over coverage of institutional sectors. For more information see Estimation.
Furthermore, the following assumptions have been used in producing the indicator:
- All transactions represent final consumption expenditure for own non-commercial use. The data includes household transactions that may feed into the production process (e.g., a household purchase of seeds to grow vegetables at home). As it is not possible to identify or adjust for these transactions, it is assumed any ‘intermediate consumption’ transactions in the data have an immaterial impact on the final estimates.
- Non-resident transactions (net expenditure overseas) captured within the bank transaction data have an immaterial impact on the estimates. Lacking any means to identify and adjust non-resident transactions, it is assumed that expenditure patterns between resident and non-residents exhibit similar trends on consumption goods and services.
Outputs are produced for nine out of the thirteen major Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) Divisions. Outputs are produced at the Australia, and state and territory level. For more information see Outputs.