The LEED has two releases, Jobs in Australia and Personal Income in Australia. Both have detailed tables in data downloadable format. LEED data are also available in the TableBuilder format in Jobs and Income of Employed Persons. The TableBuilder product contains a broad range of data items covered in both Jobs in Australia and Personal Income in Australia. It is a rich source of information for data users interested in making customised analysis tables.
The Jobs in Australia release provides aggregate data for Australia, states and territories, and nearly 2,500 regions, as classified in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3, including at the Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2), Local Government Area (LGA) and Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA) levels. It covers a wide variety of estimates including number of jobs, number of employed persons, median employment income per job, number of OMUEs etc. The estimates are also presented by person, job, or employer characteristics such as age, sex, occupation, industry, employment size, etc.
Summary tables in the current release present data for the five financial years between 2017-18 and 2021-22. Summary statistics for the full time series from 2011-12 to 2021-22 are presented in Table 15 in the Data download tab.
Data from LEED are also available in TableBuilder format Jobs and Income of Employed Persons. The TableBuilder product contains a broad range of data items covered in both Jobs in Australia and Personal Income in Australia. It is a rich source of information for data users interested in making customised analysis tables.
Differences between Jobs in Australia and Personal Income in Australia
Jobs in Australia (JIA) and Personal Income in Australia (PIA) present similar data on earners and income from the Linked Employee-Employer Dataset (LEED). However, there are a few small but important differences between JIA and PIA that should be taken into consideration when comparing them.
The number of earners will be different. In PIA, anyone who earns income, whether from employment, superannuation, investment etc. is counted as an earner. This also includes individuals who only receive an employment termination payment without any regular income. In JIA, earners are restricted to those who receive payment from employment, which is either working as an employee (including as an owner manager of incorporated enterprise) or an owner-manager of unincorporated enterprise. JIA does not include people who only receive an employment termination payment.
The median incomes reported in JIA are reported on a 'per job' and 'employed person' basis. However, people may work more than one job, either at the same time or throughout the financial year. For PIA, the income is reported on a 'per person' basis which includes all income types, not only employment income, received in that financial year.