This release contains a data cube which provides estimates of KLEMS multifactor productivity (MFP) for individual industries in the Australian economy. The term KLEMS represents the five input categories – Capital (K), Labour (L), Energy (E), Materials (M) and Services (S). The methodology for constructing the data is outlined in the Information Paper: Experimental Estimates of Industry Level KLEMS Multifactor Productivity.
The data cube includes measures of input, output and KLEMS MFP at the industry level from 1995-96. The 16 industries included in the data cube comprise the 'market sector', and are as follows:
ANZSIC Division | Industry |
A | Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing |
B | Mining |
C | Manufacturing |
D | Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services |
E | Construction |
F | Wholesale Trade |
G | Retail Trade |
H | Accommodation and Food Services |
I | Transport, Postal and Warehousing |
J | Information, Media and Telecommunications |
K | Financial and Insurance Services |
L | Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services |
M | Professional, Scientific and Technical Services |
N | Administrative and Support Services |
R | Arts and Recreation Services |
S | Other Services |
Under a gross output based MFP approach, the contribution of each of the primary and intermediate inputs to output is weighted using the cost shares of each input. The cost shares for labour and capital are their respective primary incomes divided by the current price value of gross output. Similarly, the cost shares for intermediate inputs are the expenditures on inputs divided by the current price value of gross output.