The ABS Energy Account, Australia (EAA) is one of the set of environmental-economic accounts produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA). It consists of:
- physical supply and use tables that show physical values of energy from both a user and producer perspective;
- monetary supply and use tables that show monetary values of energy from both a user and producer perspective;
- energy indicators; and
- energy assets.
The aim of the EAA is to integrate data from different sources into a consolidated information set, making it possible to link physical data on energy to economic data in Australian System of National Accounts (SNA).
Data on the physical supply and use of energy products are primarily derived from the Department of industry, Science, Energy and Resources publication, Australian Energy Update 2021. The ABS translates this data into the SEEA framework, thereby enabling linkages between energy supply, energy use and the SNA.
To estimate monetary values associated with the supply and use of energy, data is mapped from the Australian supply-use benchmarks to certain industry and product groupings. The compilation process ensures coherence between the resulting tables and the supply-use benchmarks underpinning the latest national accounts.