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Education Statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples methodology

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Reference period
2018-19 financial year


This publication presents results from the 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016 Census of Population and Housing (Census), the 2008 and 2014-15 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS) and the 2012-13 and 2018-19 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS).

For the respective Methodologies, refer to the following:



  • Explanatory notes, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2008.
  • Explanatory notes, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2014-15.


  • Explanatory notes, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, 2012-13.
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey Methodology, 2018-19.

Data definitions

Data definitions table

About ABS Geography

The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) provides a framework of statistical areas used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and other organisations to enable the publication of statistics that are comparable and spatially integrated. The ASGS provides users with an integrated set of standard areas that can be used for analysing, visualising and integrating statistics produced by the ABS and other organisations. See here for further information about the ASGS.

The tables in this publication are presented by the following ASGS ABS Structures:

  • Main Structure
    • State and Territory
  • Remoteness Structure
    • Major cities, Inner Regional, Outer Regional, Remote and Non-remote.
  • Indigenous Structure
    • Indigenous Regions (IREG), Indigenous Areas (IARE), Indigenous Locations (ILOC)

Census data is presented at all of the above Geography Structures, while the survey data is limited to State and Territory and Remoteness. Further information about ABS statistical geography and a diagram of how the various ABS Structures interrelate can be found here.

The Indigenous Structure is based on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ population distribution in the broader Australian community, so is ideal for analysis of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander data. In the ASGS Indigenous Structure, Indigenous Locations (ILOCs) are the smallest available unit. These are combined to create Indigenous Areas (IAREs) and then Indigenous Regions (IREGs). Further information about the Indigenous Structure can be found here.

Census data is also presented by the Non ABS Structure of Local Government Areas. Further information about the Non ABS Structures can be found here.


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