Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community
A geographic location bounded by physical or legal boundaries, which is inhabited or intended to be inhabited predominantly by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, with housing or infrastructure that is managed on a community basis.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
People who identified themselves, or were identified by another household member, as being of Aboriginal origin, Torres Strait Islander origin, or both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin.
Address Register
The ABS Address Register is an up-to-date, comprehensive list of all known physical addresses within Australia. It is used to produce the Census Mail Out Frame to support the mail out of Census materials to households across Australia and the PES frame.
Automated Data Linking (ADL)
ADL is an automated linking process used to determine possible links between Census and PES data, before any clerical matching begins. It employs a probabilistic linking method that uses a range of personal and addresses characteristics to evaluate the likelihood that a PES and Census record pertain to the same individual. Freely Extensible Biomedical Record Linking (FEBRL) software is used as part of ADL.
Census count
The Census counts people where they were located on Census night and this count of the population is referred to as the place of enumeration count. A count of the population based on their usual residence is also available. The Census count includes imputed persons for non-responding dwellings with values assigned for Age, Sex, Marital Status and Usual Residence. Indigenous status and Country of Birth do not have values imputed for them.
Census field officer
Census field officers are ABS staff that deliver Census instructions and forms and visit households that have not responded to the Census.
Contact sector
- Persons in dwellings that were deemed occupied on Census night from which a form was received before the start of PES collection
- Persons in occupied dwellings that were entirely missed by Census
- Persons missed by Census because their dwellings were mistakenly deemed unoccupied on Census night.
Desktop canvassing
The processes of analysing information about addresses using online resources. This can include aerial imagery, property listings, and state/territory government planning and mapping tools.
A building or structure in which people may live. Examples of dwellings include: houses, flats, caravans, tents, humpies and houseboats. Houses under construction, derelict houses, vacant tents, or unoccupied converted garages, are not counted as dwellings in the Census. Dwellings are categorised as either private or non-private.
Estimated Resident Population (ERP)
The official measure of the population of Australia based on the concept of usual residence. It refers to all people, regardless of nationality, citizenship or legal status, who usually live in Australia, with the exception of foreign diplomatic personnel and their families. It includes usual residents who are overseas for less than 12 months over a 16-month period. It excludes overseas visitors who are in Australia for less than 12 months over a 16-month period.
Greater Capital City and Rest of State Regions
Greater Capital City and Rest of State Regions are part of Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA) and are geographical areas built from Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4).
There are 16 spatial GCCSA regions covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps. These consist of 8 ‘Greater Capital Cities’ representing each of the Australian State and Territory capital cities, and 8 regions covering the rest of each State and the Northern Territory. The ACT only has one GCCSA region for the entire Territory. The category of Other Territories in GCCSA includes the Other Territories of Jervis Bay, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Island and Norfolk Island.
Gross coverage error
Gross coverage is a measure that estimates of the number of persons that were ‘covered’ by the Census; i.e. the number of unique real people that were included on a returned Census form. Gross coverage error is the difference between the PES population estimate and the gross coverage estimate.
A statistical process for predicting values where no response was provided to a question and a response could not be derived. Census imputes persons into non-responding dwellings, and also imputes some missing values (e.g. Age and Sex) for responding persons who left these fields blank.
Late Return
A Census form returned after the start of PES collection.
Net undercount
The difference between the PES estimate of the number of people who should have been counted in the Census and the actual Census count (including persons imputed into non-responding dwellings). The estimated net undercount for a category of person is the net result of undercount, overcount, differences in classification between the PES and Census (e.g. Age, Sex, Indigenous status) and imputation error in the Census.
Non-contact sector
The Census non-contact sector comprises persons in dwellings that were deemed occupied on Census night, from which no Census form was received (imputed dwellings); persons in dwellings whose Census form was received after the commencement of PES enumeration (late returns); and persons with insufficient personal identifier information on their Census form.
Non-private dwelling
An establishment which provides a communal type of accommodation, such as a hotel, motel, hospital or other institution.
Outstation (or homeland)
A discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community that is administered by, or linked to, an organisation such as a resources agency or larger parent discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community for the provision and maintenance of services.
PES population estimate
The number of Australian residents who should have been counted in the Census as estimated by the PES.
Post Census Review
The Post Census Review was the public facing name of the 2021 Post Enumeration Survey. The name was introduced to better reflect the survey and its purpose in plain language and was selected after qualitative testing via cognitive interviewing.
Private dwelling
A residential structure that is self-contained, owned or rented by the occupants, and intended solely for residential use. A private dwelling may be a house, a flat, and can also be a house attached to, or rooms above, shops or offices.
Sampling error
Sampling error occurs because a sample, rather than the entire population, is surveyed. The standard error gives a measure of the likely difference resulting from not including all dwellings in the survey. There are about two chances in three that a sample estimate will differ by less than one standard error from the figure that would have been obtained if all dwellings had been included in the survey, and about nineteen chances in twenty that the difference will be less than two standard errors.
Refers to the group of people about which information is required. For PES, the population of interest is all Australian residents who should have been counted in the Census.
Standard error (SE)
The SE is a measure of the likely difference between the true value and the estimate.
Undercount adjustment factor
The ratio of the PES population estimate to the Census count. This factor can be applied to the Census counts to indicate how many people should have been counted in the Census for that category.
Usual residence
In the Census, the usual residence for a resident of Australia is defined as the place where they have lived, or where they intend to live, for six months or more, in the Census year.